1password anywhere via dropbox - blank? [Resolved by resetting sync to create new keychain]

Community Member
edited May 2014 in iOS

I know you had issues w/ 1password anywhere via dropbox in the past month or so as you haven't yet implemented auth integration via their api's (or something like that).
My access to that worked again after they implemented a temp fix for you.

However, starting in the past few days, now when opening the 1password.html from dropbox, it opens a new page/tab but it's completely blank, no errors.

I've tried multiple browsers and OS and have the same problem regardless.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AJL,

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with 1PasswordAnywhere right now. Let's try resetting sync to generate a fresh 1Password.agilekeychain file (and thus a fresh 1Password.html file for 1PasswordAnywhere.) I'm assuming you don't have 1Password 4 for iOS since you're accessing 1PasswordAnywhere, so you can ignore the iOS steps if they don't apply, but it is important to disable sync on all devices that do use 1Password. :)

    • On your iOS devices, open 1Password 4 for iOS, tap Settings > Sync > Sync Service and choose 'Disable Sync’.

    • On the Mac, open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click the 1Password menu, then Preferences. Click Sync, and click Change syncing.

    • Check the box to remove the data from Dropbox and confirm that you want to disable sync.

    • Restart the Mac and iOS devices.

    • Check your Dropbox folder and delete any other 1Password folders or files that the remove data checkbox did not take care of.

    • On the Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and click Dropbox. Click Choose vault, then navigate to your Dropbox folder and select Open. This will regenerate a 1Password folder in Dropbox, and that will contain a new 1Password.agilekeychain file.

    • Allow Dropbox to fully sync.

    • Go back into the iOS app and re-enable Dropbox sync. That should get everything on the same page for sure.

    Please let me know if you are able to access 1PasswordAnywhere properly with this new 1Password.agilekeychain file. :)

  • AJL
    Community Member

    Thanks...that worked! btw, I do have multiple iOS instances of 1Password, so this was helpful. I use 1pass anywhere @ work... much easier to copy/paste passwords on the computer than whipping out my iPhone.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AJL,

    Thanks so much for letting me know that you're all sorted out! I'm glad to hear that you find 1PasswordAnywhere useful at work - I can see how it's a better solution than using your iPhone.

    Since this issue is solved, I'll close this thread, but if you have any other questions or concerns, we're happy to help: create a new thread, or email us directly at support@ agilebits .com! :)

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