switch apple IDs

Hope Wilcox
Hope Wilcox
Community Member

I had 1password on my phone, synched with my personal apple ID, at one point but didn't really use it. I uninstalled it at that time. Now I am married, I am sharing a new apple id with my husband, and we would like to use this app. When I install it on my phone it links back to my original apple id... How do I switch apple IDs?


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Apple has never allowed anyone to merge AppleIDs, and that's where your problem lies. I'm unaware of any recourse you have, other than to buy another copy under your new shared AppleID. I have two AppleIDs, not because I wanted it that way but because I was directed to establish one during setup of a new Mac and I didn't then find a way to insist on using my old one. It's very annoying that I can't merge them.

    Actually, I do know a work-around that has a downside: You both could log in to the App Store on your original AppleID and download copies for each of you. Then switch back to your new shared ID. That copy will function properly, but you won't be notified of updates while you are logged in on that new ID. You'd have to watch manually for updates, and then switch back to your original AppleID to retrieve the updates.

    If you take that latter approach, I am not sure how iCloud syncing will work. You might have to switch to Dropbox. I'm not sure if iCloud checks to see whether the syncing application was obtained with the same AppleID.

  • Hope Wilcox
    Hope Wilcox
    Community Member

    I don't need to merge apple IDs. I just need to figure out how to sync with the apple ID I am currently sharing with my husband. Right now it is automatically syncing with my old apple ID. I can't get it to attach to the correct apple ID...

  • Hope Wilcox
    Hope Wilcox
    Community Member

    We bought a new copy of 1password with the new apple ID but 1password is still trying to sync with my old ID...

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    Ah, I'm sorry I misunderstood. If I understand correctly now, you want to switch your entire iPhone over to the new shared ID. I think what you'll need to do is delete your current iCloud account, then add back the account you want to share.

    To delete your current account on your iPhone, go to Settings, scroll down and tap on iCloud, and then scroll down to the bottom of the screen with all the iCloud options and tap on the last line, Delete Account. I'm unwilling to go farther than this on my own device, but if I were doing this, I would then reset my iPhone, return to settings, go to iCloud, and setup a new account with the information for the one you want to share. If you will be using iCloud for syncing with 1Password, be sure that you turn on Documents and Data. On the next screen behind Documents and Data you'll see a list of apps that can sync data with iCloud. Be sure 1Password is set to On.

    I hope I haven't misunderstood again! :\">

    By the way, the process I described earlier could have kept you from having to buy another copy of 1Password, if you were willing to accept the downside of doing it that way.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Hope,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble here. I just want to confirm here: are we talking about syncing your data via iCloud? 1Password will sync to the iCloud account that you are logged in to your device with. Please check in Settings.app > iCloud > Account. From there you can log out of your old AppleID and in with the new shared AppleID.

    Please note, as @hawkmoth mentions above, iCloud is only available for syncing your primary vault. If you are using a shared iCloud account, both of you would see the same data in iCloud. This is completely fine if you planned on sharing your entire database, but if you wanted individual primary vaults and a shared secondary vault, you might want to consider syncing via Dropbox instead.

    I hope this gets you all sorted out, but please do let me know if you have any further questions, we're here to help!

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