Do I have to purchase the desktop app and ipad app separately?

Community Member

I am thinking of purchasing 1password. If I pay the 50 bucks for the desktop app, do I need to purchase the ipad app as well? i have an iphone as well. do i need to purchase the app for all 3 devices?


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    You need to buy the iOS version as well as the Mac version. But the iOS version will work on both iPad ad iPhonen

  • Jasper
    edited May 2014

    1Password licenses are sold per-platform, which means that you'll need to buy 1Password for each operating system that you want to use it on. Since Apple provides no way to bundle apps on the App Store and Mac App Store, 1Password for iOS is necessarily a separate purchase from 1Password for Mac.

    But, like danco mentioned, the iOS app is universal and can be used on both your iPad and iPhone.

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