Move Between Categories

Community Member

I used the FTP category heavily in 1Password 3. Now that that category is gone is there any way to move items around? I think I could make use of the server category if I could just move my old FTP items into it.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @justsomedude.

    There currently isn't a way to convert items from one category to another. For more details see @MikeT's reply in Change Categories. He also said:

    We'll try to figure something out in the future but like the above one, no promises yet.

    … in response to someone else asking about converting items between categories.

    Hopefully that information is helpful.

  • justsomedude
    Community Member

    While tedious, I would be fine manually transferring the fields into a new item in the desired category. The ability to spawn a new window or have a popup of a single item would make it easier to do the aforementioned manual transfer. The best I can do right now is take a screenshot to reference.

    Thanks for all the work. Product launches are stressful. May your coffee supply never run dry :)

  • Zortrium
    Community Member

    Most of my email accounts are sitting in the Logins category instead of the Email Accounts category, though I have no recollection of this being the case in v3. Anyhow, as it is, there isn't any obvious way to correct this issue.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2013

    Hi there!

    @justsomedude wrote:

    While tedious, I would be fine manually transferring the fields into a new item in the desired category.

    I feel for you with that, having a tedious amount of the same still to do. Plus transferring some old SplashID import data that ended up in Secure Notes to where it better belongs in custom fields.

    The ability to spawn a new window or have a popup of a single item would make it easier to do the aforementioned manual transfer. The best I can do right now is take a screenshot to reference.

    One thing to try that might make it easier is using anchored 1P mini windows for the auto-converted Login items so they'll remain on the screen while copying data from them for pasting into corresponding new items in other categories. Maybe that's a bit better than your best? :)

    Oh, and this may help:

    My Account > Login items are not showing up in 1Password mini

    Thanks for all the work. Product launches are stressful. May your coffee supply never run dry :)

    You're most welcome! So many great customers like you sure helps keep most stress positive. Sure, why not have my last coffee for the day? :)

    @Zortrium wrote:

    Most of my email accounts are sitting in the Logins category instead of the Email Accounts category, though I have no recollection of this being the case in v3.

    The post referred to by the Change Categories link in my original reply explains the auto-conversion of certain 1P3 Account/Wallet to 1P4 Login items.

    Anyhow, as it is, there isn't any obvious way to correct this issue.

    Just the manual process for now, perhaps using the anchored 1P mini window tip above.

  • chuckp
    Community Member

    If you guys are going to introduce new categories or change them (which is great), there should be an option to move things around. Right now, I have things in the wrong category.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chuckp,

    I'll be sure to add your vote to making categories easily changeable. As has been said elsewhere (I don't remember quite where so I can't quote it properly) because each of the categories have unique sets of default fields, it's not quite as simple a matter as clicking a button to switch an entry from one category to another.

    That being said, our developers do love a good challenge. :)

  • FrediL
    Community Member


    Is it possible to change the type / category of an entry?
    E.g.: from LOGIN to SERVER or something different …

    After importing from another keychain tool all entries are handled as logins.
    It would be very helpful if a user would be able to edit/update the type of an entry.
    Otherwise the categories wouldn't make any sense.

    Also it would be very helpful if a user would be able to add custom fields and set the type of this field to be handled like a password field.
    Just to make sure the value of this custom field is not displayed in plain text within the GUI per default.

    Best regards,

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    It isn't currently possible to change an item from one category to another. As to custom fields, this is from known issues:

    When adding custom fields, only text type is currently supported. This means you cannot choose a password type to make the field concealable like the main password fields at this time.

    No doubt that will change in some future update.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, Frederik (@FrediL).

    As @Stephen_C mentioned, changing an item's category isn't currently supported. There's more about it in this topic:

    Move Between Categories

    About custom field types, I've mentioned:

    I also hope it won't be too long until custom field types are supported after the higher priority bug fix updates settle down. :)

  • rggoode
    Community Member

    Please add my name to the list for this request.

  • Gregory Schmeling
    Gregory Schmeling
    Community Member

    I vote to have the ability to change categories. Seems like a good challenge for you. Manually re-entering to correct category is a pain in the gluteus max.

  • vistaclara
    Community Member

    This is a big oversight. Upgrading has resulted in a lot of extra work. 1Password is a fantastic product, but this is disappointing. I hope this get fixed soon. The ability to change categories seems to me to be a basic feature.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the additional feedback, guys.

    Based on previous comments some of you would at least like to recategorize items from 1P3 that were merged into Login items when upgrading to 1P4. What other specific item recategorizations are you primarily interested in doing?

    We'd like to offer the ability to convert items between categories but no promises yet.

  • doct
    Community Member

    Change categories: Note that this is just not an upgrade issue, but also an import issue, also sometimes just an oops. As the import from SplashID is iffy, at best, (did finally get things to import but most went into the 'secure notes' pile) this will mean a lot of extra work manually re-entering everything. Just bought the product, but am really starting to have regrets.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @doct.

    Thanks for mentioning another context where converting items to different categories has value. For more about SplashID importing of Secure Notes please see my reply: here.

  • graye
    Community Member

    please add the ability to change an entry type. it's like having a new wonderful piece of candy, only to find out it doesn't fit into your mouth and it will take four hours to unwrap. seriously. yahoo to more categories! big boo to not being able to use them without lots of work...

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @graye,

    Your interest in converting items to different categories has been noted. Thanks for the vote. :)

  • peisermp
    Community Member

    Changing categories should be a top-priority requirement. Until then, it would be helpful for new users to know upfront they can't. The ability to add categories should also be provided. Do not worry about the fields. Provide a blank template and let the user create them.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    We've got requests for changing an item's category and a generic/template category in our tracker, @peisermp. I've tallied your votes for both. :)

  • macmain
    Community Member

    I have things in the wrong category. Please add ability to change within current categories. :-S

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for adding your request-vote for this, @macmain. :)

  • graye
    Community Member

    You keep referring to comments as votes for a change request. I understand you're busy but I don't think any of us see this as a change request. We see it as a major flaw in the version. Don't get me wrong, I'm a lover (of 1Password) not a hater (of 1Password), but I just can't imagine your beta testers totally missed this feature. Anyone who has been using your software/app from the beginning is having issues organizing their hundreds of passwords based solely on your update. That's not a cool new feature, that's a mistake. Maybe seeing it as a bug (or a large oversight) that needs quick updating would be more appropriate. Just sayin' :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @graye,

    Thanks for your feedback about considering the inability to change an item's category as a bug/oversight rather than a new feature. I've passed it along to the developers.

  • BillC
    Community Member

    "Me Too!" All but one of my email accounts (properly formatted with POP3 and SMTP information) have ended up in Logins rather than Email Accounts. And given that email addresses are used as logins, finding them is not easy either….HELP!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BillC,

    Your interest-vote for this has been added, too. Thanks!

    In your example, Login to Email Account item conversion could have more usable results than converting Secure Note items. Some of my imported email account data stuck in free-form Secure Note items seems destined for fully manual conversion… if I ever get around to it. :)


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