Feature Request: Multiple vault items displayed together in the same list

Community Member

Basically, I'd like for items within multiple vaults to be accessible without having to switch between the vaults. The items themselves are still stored within their respective vault, they just happen to be listed together within the browser extension and/or main interface.

This is a big help for anyone sharing a vault with people who are not quite so technically inclined to remember what vault they're in and why their password "appears" to be missing. This is the primary reason why my colleges and I are not using the vault sharing feature... they're having trouble remembering how to use it so they're always calling me because they're passwords appear to be missing.

It's very frustrating, so in the meantime we've been sharing password updates using other methods that I'm not totally cool with (they're secure, but it's now more work for all of us instead of something simple).

I do feel that this should be an optional feature, turned on by a Checkbox within the 1Password preferences.

Thank you!


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