Export SW license fields to TSV bugs...

Community Member

I'm considering storing all of my SW licenses in 1P, but I want a report with Purchase Date, Retail Price, Licensed To, Version, so I can easily see how much I've spent per year and what is out of date.

I can select licenses, hit Export, type master password (why?), select tab delimited text, and choose all fields or I can type in field names....but either way, not all fields are in the export. Smells like a bug to me.

If I select SW Licenses, right click and "Share" via Outlook... I get an empty email. Another bug?



  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    Hi @timcolson,

    I just tested this, and wasn't able to re-create any trouble. What specific fields are not being exported when you try?

    type master password (why?)

    We require entry of the master password when exporting or printing multiple items to prevent someone from mass exporting your data in case you leave the 1Password app unlocked and unattended.

    If I select SW Licenses, right click and "Share" via Outlook... I get an empty email. Another bug?

    This is currently a known issue with Outlook 2011 for Mac — it doesn't appear to accept the body message part of the mailto URL structure.


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