suggestion: option to drop nonce words {ftp,www} from the front of a hostname in 'alpha' sorting

Community Member is usually the same as or for me, when I do a password/username completion.

But you always sort these as and in the "F" category and in the "W" category.

I think it would be better to have a list of predefined, but extensible 'nonce' words which are excluded from the alpha sort so you can find the domain name in its most natural position.

Another way to do this is to have a small set of top level domains and sort on the 2 and 3 dotted elements below this list.


  • If I understand you correctly, something similar to what you suggest is available in 1Password 4 on Mac for example, where you can choose to have your items sorted by website as opposed to title. At the moment, changing the sorting is not available in the mobile versions of 1Password. This is something that both the iOS and Android development teams would need to discuss as our goal is to maintain a consistent user experience between the mobile versions of 1Password. I will bring this up with our development team. Thank you for the suggestion!

  • ggm
    Community Member

    The 'www.' string is a decision which I think in hindsight, almost everyone regrets. consuming an FQDN label as www/ftp/mail is just silly: thats why we have TCP/IP ports in /etc/services. So, I think having the alphabet sort of web URLS sort every www.x into W is in like sense... silly. Unless 'website' has some idea that www. can be stripped, I guess that means I have to hand-edit the saved entries to 'set' the website to the non-qualified form. Anyway, nice to know you have the idea.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Ports don't help if your web server is a different machine to your ftp server or your mail server. That said, you're right in that most of the time login credentials will be the same across services, even if they are hosted on different machines.

    However, since it is sorting on title and not url, surely all you need to do is remove the the prefix when you save a login?

  • EnerJi
    Community Member

    I agree with ignoring or stripping off "www" when sorting alphabetically. Need to be careful with the logic behind anything beyond that. Logins for "" and "" will be different than ""

  • saad
    edited April 2014

    That makes complete sense, but it does not affect the beta since your items are not sorted by the URL. Your list is sorted by the title of the item, so, just as @RichardPayne mentioned, all you need to do is have the same prefix in the title to group them together.

  • ggm
    Community Member

    I've got over 500 logins in my 1password. I guess I need to dedicate a weekend to some editing.

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