1Password 4 not accepting my old vault master password [moved to email]

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

I was running 1Password 3 on my old OS X Lion Macbook. I just purchased a brand new OS X Mavericks macbook and am trying to import my old vault and information into 1Password 4. Upon download and startup, it finds my old keychain file in dropbox, where I'd synced it up, but when I attempt to type in my master password (i KNOW i'm entering the correct master pass) it gives me this error message in the attached screen shot.

I'm at a loss and really looking to get my passwords moved over. Any ideas, anyone?


  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    Hi @RyanSTL,

    Sorry to hear about the trouble! This error actually isn't caused by entering an incorrect master password — something else is going wrong.

    So we can investigate, could you please email us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with your forum username and a link to this discussion, to: support+forum@agilebits.com

    A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!


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