Name, Address, credit card #... Possible with ONE identity/login/credit card entry? + CC errors

Community Member


I'm having problems with auto-filling a "billing" form on a web site I use multiple times per day.

The form asks for: name, address, city, state, zip, credit card #, expiration, and CVC security code. So far, I've been able to get all but the credit card number to correctly insert into the form by choosing an IDENTITY and then choosing a CREDIT CARD.

  1. Is it possible to fill in my billing form using a single IDENTITY or LOGIN? (Surprised that CREDIT CARD does not auto-fill name and billing address).

  2. Any reason why credit card number is not being inserted into form when I select CREDIT CARD in 1password?

Here's examples of form code:

input name="CcForm:txtCity" type="text" maxlength="100" id="CcForm_txtCity" autocomplete="off"

input name="CcForm:txtStateProvince" type="text" maxlength="100" id="CcForm_txtStateProvince" autocomplete="off"

input name="CcForm:txtCc" type="text" maxlength="16" id="CcForm_txtCc" class="txtCc" autocomplete="off"

input name="CcForm:txtSecurityCode" type="text" maxlength="4" id="CcForm_txtSecurityCode" autocomplete="off"




P.S. I'm not able to give you a URL to view the billing form as URL requires being logged in to site and is in following format:
where "crypt" = encrypted, randomized series of ~50 letter characters (a-z)

Running 1password v. / Chrome 35.0.1916.153 / OS X 10.9.3


  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    Is it possible to fill in my billing form using a single IDENTITY or LOGIN? (Surprised that CREDIT CARD does not auto-fill name and billing address).

    Usually, both an Identity item and Credit Card item need to be used to fill in everything. An Identity item can be used to fill your personal information, such as name, email, and mailing address. A Credit Card item can be used to fill in your credit card details, such as the number and expiration date.

    Any reason why credit card number is not being inserted into form when I select CREDIT CARD in 1password?

    So we can investigate, please send us a .webarchive file of the page (next time you use it) and we can test it.

    To do that:

    1. Go to the page in Safari.
    2. Don't fill anything on page, instead go to File > Save As, and change the format to Web Archive before saving this.
    3. Zip up the file and email it to us at with a link to this thread (be sure the saved webpage doesn't include any confidential information you don't want to share).
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