Hard drive crashed and no backup created ever

Community Member

If you have all stopped laughing, I have a licence and my hard drive crashed with me never, yes never, having once done a back up. I have a new drive and downloaded 1 pw but I have no back up. my question is, is my licence still valid for this drive ?

any help, much appreciated.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    The licence is still valid. Licences are per-user, so even if you had two working Macs you could install 1PW on both.

    But of course you have lost your old passwords. Hard drives are fairly cheap nowadays, and you should use at least one backup method.

    Best advice seems to be to use three methods. Time Machine, cloning using SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner, and an offsite backup such as Crashplan (Dropbox can help, but isn't as good).

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Just adding that 1Password automatically makes local backups on a daily basis. Sometimes you can resurrect files from a crashed hard disk with disk recovery software. It might be worth a try, especially if you had lots of data stored in 1Password.

    +1 for @danco's recommendation on backing up. I use Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner, and CrashPlan. CrashPlan stores my critical data off site. External hard drives a pretty cheap these days, and well worth the less than $100 it will cost to have peace of mind. At least activate Time Machine.

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