How to generate a new password?

Community Member

All, I just spent the $9.99 to purchase 1Password since several websites stated that I can generate random password. However, I can't find anything about how to actually do this. I added my bank account record to the list, in the field for Password I see a little key which then allows me to see the "Password Recipe". But where is the actual password? I don't see it on the field or anywhere else. What am I missing?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Steffen1601‌

    Thanks so much for supporting 1Password! Our developers are currently tracking a bug that causes the generated password to display in an incorrect field for non-Login entries. There are a few ways you can work around this while we work to squash this bug:

    • Create a Login entry for your bank. Logins are handy entries to have in any case, as 1Password can automatically fill your username and password details from these entries into the browser. Generating a password here will display in the correct field.
    • If you would prefer to store your details in a Bank Account entry, you can generate a password separately by creating a 'Password' entry. Simply tap the '+' button when viewing the Categories pane and select 'Password'. You can generate a password and customize it as you wish, then copy and paste into your Bank Account entry.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions or concerns! :)

    ref: OPI-1108

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