Setting a backup location

Community Member

I am unable to find how to set the backup location for 1Password. Currently it backs up to my main hard drive. This seems pointless because if my hard drive crashes I lose both the main and the backup. Surely there is a way to set the backup location to my Time Machine drive.


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited September 2014


    1Password 4 doesn't currently allow you to specify a backup location. There are a couple of threads around on the subject were the staff have commented on the subject.

    Here is one example

  • Hi @classone‌,

    I just wanted to expand on things a bit more. The Backup location is in a default place on the system drive, which makes it always available in case you need to revert to a backup. If you are using Time Machine, then the database and the backups are copied to it anyway when Time Machine runs a backup.

    Also, if you sync to iCloud or Dropbox, you can consider that as a tertiary form of backup, with the bonus that it is offsite.

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