Avoiding double entries

Jeff Burger
Jeff Burger
Community Member

Most of my reward programs, memberships, email accounts, bank accounts and credit cards are associated with a web address, user name and password. This means (as far as I can tell) that I have to list each in two places: once under the appropriate category (e.g. Memberships), with account number etc.; and once under logins, so 1Password will log me in to the website. Life would be simpler if I could have only one listing for each item rather than two—if, for example, an item under Bank Accounts could not only list account info but could log me into its site. Is this doable or at least in the works? I'd like to reserve the Logins category for items that are websites only and have all info in one place for items that fit one of the other categories. I doubt I'm the only person who's been frustrated by having to have two listings for each credit card, frequent flier program, etc., etc.


  • Jasper

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the feedback! I'll let our developers know that you're interested in this. :)

    For now, if you want to store everything in a single item, you can use a Login and add custom fields for the additional information.

  • Jeff Burger
    Jeff Burger
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply but if that's the choice for now, I guess I'd rather have double entries than have everything in Logins and lose the organization of having separate sections for credit cards, memberships etc. That said, I think this should be addressed, and I'd think it'd be relatively easy to do. Just make it possible to have logins from all categories.

  • asteeman
    Community Member

    I would like to add to this post the request to have the ability to change category. I switched to 1Password about a year ago from another program, and the categorisation was not recognised by 1Password. So most of my entries are now logins. I would like to assign the correct category to a number of these entries. Many of them are in fact software license registrations. I'd prefer to have them categorised as such, even if it doesn't then follow the template for software registration as provided by 1Password. Sofar I haven't found the possibility in 1Password to do this.

    Thanks in advance for considering this.

  • Jasper

    Thanks for the feedback, guys!

  • Paul Charlesworth
    Paul Charlesworth
    Community Member

    +1 for this because it was one of the first problems I ran in to when I tried to add a username and password to a Reward Card. I'm just trying out 1Password as a replacement for eWallet because I'd like to store cards and have autofill passwords that work, and sync across multiple devices, without any hassle. I will try the login feature and see how that goes. The organization would be easy to fix if we could assign our own categories to a particular login card. If I am correct, this can be done in a way with Tags, which I assume work in the iOS versions as well.

  • Jasper

    Thanks for adding your vote here! :)

  • Fairgame
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    Any update on this? We feel Jeff's pain.

    If I want to be able to login to an email account via browser, it needs to be in login category. And if I also like to have the information in email category, we will end up with double entries. Changing the password for example would require to update both.
    Jeff's recommendation to have login capability for each category would be the solution.

    Thanks very much for your support!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Fairgame,

    Thanks so much for checking in on us! I don't have an update on this issue right now, but we are listening to your feedback.

    Please note that currently there are 3 categories that are designed to fill in automatically on websites: Logins, Credit Cards, and Identities. All other categories are provided purely for your organizational needs/desires. Personally, when I'm storing information in one of these other categories (my bank account details, for example), I leave out the log in details that are already stored in the Login category, just to avoid having to update multiple entries when I change my password.

    Obviously, this is my own personal workflow and does not completely address your concerns, but I hope it might help you when deciding how to organize your data while we look into more permanent solutions.

  • Fairgame
    Community Member

    Thanks, that is one way to do it. Still two entries, but only one password between the two.
    Good idea.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited August 2014

    Glad @Megan's idea helped you out, @Fairgame. :)

  • BenT
    Community Member

    I was just doing a bit of a tidy in my 1Password Vault, and had exactly this same question - I had a slightly different thought though - I think it would be great if we could link items - so have the separate items (e.g. Email Account and Login) but we could link them together, so they share the same password.

    I've got umpteen email accounts with work, and half of them have web interfaces, and half don't so I either end up with duplicated passwords, or I need to look up the details on two cards (hurrah for search!) The other time I would really use this is for the multiple Servers and Databases I end up connecting to - It would be brilliant if those items could have a linked login, as many of them share login credentials, so I've set the username to the name of the login so I know to go over there.

    Probably a rare use case, but day-to-day the most use I have is for getting which password is for which server I need to get into (which are all behind umpteen firewalls and whatnot, so I can't use 1Password directly on them)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @BenT,

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here! You're certainly not the first one to suggest linking items, so I've added your feedback to the existing request in our internal tracker.

    ref: FR-54

  • drudd
    Community Member

    I'd like to +1 this feature. I don't care so much about credit cards, say, since I keep the logins in their own folder and can keep the other information in a separate account.

    Emails, however, are fundamentally tied. My google password is used both for imap and for web logins, and it's incredibly frustrating to miss out on autofilling or have to keep two entries manually in sync.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drudd,

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here! I've updated the issue to include your request. :)

This discussion has been closed.