1Password 5 and attachments ???

Community Member

I noticed that 1Password 5 has a Pro feature to view file attachments. When I sync 1Password for Mac to 1Password 5 for iOS via wifi, does this mean that attachments in 1Password for Mac (e.g., attachments in secure notes, passports, etc) now will be visible within 1Password 5 for iOS? Thx


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pomme4moi‌

    Syncing attachments through Wi-Fi is a new feature that has been added to 1Password 5. While general Wi-Fi sync will work between 1Password 4 for Mac and 1Password 5 for iOS, syncing attachments this way requires 1Password 5 on both platforms. We are continuing development of 1Password 5 for Mac as we speak, as we know this is a popular request for our users.

    If you would like to sync your attachments, you will need to use Dropbox sync:


    I'm sorry I don't have a perfect answer for you right now, but I do hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

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