Extension not showing relevant Logins [Ensure the site's mobile-friendly URL is saved in the Login]

Community Member
edited September 2014 in iOS

I've tried this with a couple of sites today (ebay and MP3Sparks). I navigate to them in Safari, call up the extension, enter my Master Passphrase (will be very happy when the PIN is working for this) and see the relevant login, which I select and then go back to Safari where I see my login details populated. So far so good. however when I click the Login/Submit button...the login form just reloads with the fields blank.



  • Suz
    Community Member

    I am having trouble with the Safari extension as well. I have 1password on iPhone 5 and iPad 3 1password comes up on both with the extension. I sign in on the iPhone I get a blank page when it opens and on the iPad it works I tried both devices on Facebook. Any help appreciated ....Thanks in advance

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @drpbier and @Suz,

    Please note that the 1Password app extension is a little bit picky with respect to the URL of the site you are viewing. If we take ebay as an example, if you have saved your Login using the desktop version of 1Password, the URL saved by 1Password is signin.ebay.com. However, when you look up ebay on your mobile device, the site defaults to m.ebay.com to give you a website designed for your mobile device. 1Password is currently reading that as a different URL and not matching it to the saved URL, which is why you're not seeing your ebay Login for the m.ebay.com site.

    I'll certainly mention this to our developers - I can see this being a common concern with many sites having mobile-optimized versions.

    In the meantime, though, it's a fairly simple thing to fix:

    • When viewing the ebay mobile sign-in page, simply copy the full URL.
    • Switch over to 1Password and paste the URL as a secondary website in the entry
    • You should now see your ebay Login for the mobile site!

    I hope that this same solution applies to the other sites that you mention, but if not, please let me know and we'll investigate further!

  • Suz
    Community Member

    Success! That was the problem, so I have a bit of copy and paste to do....thank you for the help :-)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Suz,

    Whoo hoo!!! Thanks so much for letting me know that this got things sorted out for you. I'll be sure to tell our developers about this - we don't want users to have to copy and paste a billion mobile URLs to get the extension to play nice.

    If you have any further questions, or notice anything else out of the ordinary, we're here to help!

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