Documentation Question

Community Member

This is something that has reared its head with the new Touch ID usage; it may have been there before, but I'm not going to go looking for a 1P4 manual... :)

We have the 'Lock on Exit' and 'Lock Now' which actually do different things. One 'Locks you to the PIN/Touch ID' level, and the other 'Locks you to the Master Password' level. So, I submit, how can they both be 'locking' us (doing the same thing)?

I'd think a different verb would be better used for one of these, but I'm having trouble coming up with one (perhaps the same trouble the AgileBits doc team had?)...

Perhaps Secure vs. Lock? I don't know, but using Lock for both 'temporary lock (PIN/Touch ID)' and 'ultimate lock, which if you forget, you are so screwed (Master Password)' seems wrong. I would think that to clarify the two cases, it would be nice to alter one of these.



  • Perhaps Secure vs. Lock?

    That brings up a whole can of worms that we don't want to open... e.x. If you have to click the button to 'secure' it, does it mean it is not secure the rest of the time?


    I don't necessarily disagree, but the English language only gives us so much finesse to work with. That said I'll ask one of our wordsmiths to take a look at this thread, perhaps she will have an idea.


  • leesweet
    Community Member

    LOL, I do hear what you are saying.... I'd love to see what your wordsmith has to say. English does mess you up in cases like this when you don't want to be too 'loose' about the topic.

  • Aleen
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @leesweet‌!

    What a great observation; thanks for pointing out how we use "Lock" in a couple of different ways. I'm just spitballing, but I wonder if we could use something like "hard lock" versus "soft lock". Maybe we could or even be more specific with, "Require Touch ID on Exit" and "Lock and Require Master Password".

    I think it's worth kicking around to see if we can be more clear, in any event! I'll add an issue to our internal tracker and see what the rest of the team thinks.

  • leesweet
    Community Member

    Hi @Aleen! I think hard and soft are good differentiators... Unless @bwoodruff thinks soft is too soft... :) I do think you need a 'short form' for the screen options. For the doc page, your long form is perfect. Thanks for getting back!

  • Unless @bwoodruff thinks soft is too soft...

    LOL! :)

    I do think you need a 'short form' for the screen options.

    Yes, obviously screen real-estate is a consideration as well.

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