Not seeing much where new features are usable

David Gordon
David Gordon
Community Member

I havne't had the touch ID issues other have mentioned but I really haven't found a single app where the 1password icon is there to help with login. I've used the share/safari extension but rarely needed because I already use safari keychain for many passwords - the biggest benefit of new version is that is would enable me to log into apps with 1password/touch ID - i have 150+ apps and I don't think I've come across one that ties back to 1password. Is there some setting I didn't turn on or is the functionality just not there yet with other apps


  • gamma6
    Community Member

    It's up to the app developers to integrate 1Password login functionality, so I'd give it some time. Yesterday I discovered that the Kickstarted app had it so that was neat.

  • reck
    Community Member

    Also apparently Tweetbot just added 1Password with the update yesterday, although i'm at a loss as what this does or where the feature is accessed. Why do you need a password manager integrated into a Twitter client?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2014

    Hi David Gordon, @gamma6 and @reck,

    To see some of the apps that have already added 1Password support, have a look at our blog:

    As @gamma6 says, it is up to the individual developer to add support for 1Password (we wish we could pop our extension into all of the apps, but sadly, that's not the way iOS works!) If your favourite apps do not yet have 1Password support, feel free to message the developers with a link to our github page - adding 1Password support is easy and only requires a few lines of code. :)

    We've been in talks with many developers who are currently working on adding 1Password support to their apps - we hope to have more to share soon! Make sure you're following our blog to stay on top of the latest Apps that Love 1Password!

    Why do you need a password manager integrated into a Twitter client?

    Well, once you're logged in, it might not be so much of an issue, but 1Password support makes the actual log in process so much easier. Now you can simply tap the 1Password button, find your details while still in the Tweetbot/Twitteriffic app and tap to fill both your username and password. Previously, you'd need to switch to 1Password, find your entry, copy your long and secure password and then switch back to the Twitter client to paste your details in. If you wanted to copy and paste your username as well (instead of typing it in) you'd have to switch back and forth twice. We've had users requesting this feature since the dawn of the iOS app, and we're so pleased that we can finally provide this!

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, we're here to help!

  • Wunderwally
    Community Member

    Would it be technically possible to make your own custom Keyboard? I mean something like the standard Apple Keyboard but with a 1P Button so you could use 1P everywhere?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Wunderwally,

    It's a great suggestion ... but it's just not possible at this time. Password fields generally enable 'Secure Input', which forces the default keyboard. This is done to ensure that there's not a key logger hidden inside your fancy third-party keyboard.

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