Unable to add Items within Folders on mobile devices- desktop can.

Community Member
edited October 2014 in iOS

As someone with a lot of data, I need structure so I bought pro version in order to create a folder structure, and then added items in each folder. This I did on the desktop effortlessly. However I then found that on an iPad or iPhone whilst I could see my folders and items, I cannot add any items In a folder. I am allowed to created more nested folders but no items? Why not? This seems a fundamental flaw!

On going back to the default view ( which weirdly is not the nice organized folder structure but one long list of all items- and no options to choose default view) , I could create an Item, but this adds an extra step in that I have to then move it to a folder.

Is everyone else finding the same or is there some issue with my setup? If this is normal then I request for you to enable / set this feature . If you can do it on the desktop, why not on the devices.




  • Ben

    Hi @ttabori‌

    You can add an item to a folder on iOS by opening the folder you'd like to add the item to, hitting the edit button, then hitting the plus ("+") button in the top left. It is not currently possible to add an item to a folder directly while creating the item.



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