Revealing Password

Community Member

Ive created a new vault and entered a few login items. Ive entered the passwords and noticed that it gets scrambled with new text then switches to dots. Is there a way to reveal the originally entered password? Clicking on reveal only reveals the scrambled text password.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    The passwords shouldn't be scrambled - that sounds like something has gone wrong. The reveal option should be allowing you to view the plaintext version of the password. When you enter your password are you touching the key icon to the side at all? The key is to access the password generator and I'm wondering if your password is being overwritten by a randomly generated one. For example if the password generator is expanded merely touching the password length bar will create a new password, overwriting whatever was already there.

    If you go and edit one of your entries, clear the scrambled text and enter your password again it should remain visible, even if you place focus on another field such as username. Simply touching done should then store the correct password.

    Could that explain what you're experiencing and does it behave any better now knowing that?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DavidShima‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble here, that does sound a bit odd. In 1Password, please go to Settings > Display and then turn off the 'Conceal Passwords' option. This will show you the passwords that are being typed in.

    I do wonder if @hawkmoth is right - are you using the password generator at all when you're creating an entry?

  • DavidShima
    Community Member

    Megan, I tried your method of turning off the "conceal passwords" option but that didn't work. I tried littlebobbytables method of clearing and reentering the password and that seems to have worked. Now after pressing "done", the password gets hidden and I can press the reveal tab and view the original password. Thank you!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DavidShima,

    I'm so glad to hear that everything is working for you now! If you hit any further snags, we're here to help. :)

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