Blank screen with Safari when filling in password in iOS 8 and 1Password 5.1

Rob Radencic
Rob Radencic
Community Member

I'm baffled here. Is this working for others, and if so, why not for me?

In Safari, I'll go to a website that requires a username and password, click the share button and then the 1Password icon. 1Password opens and asks for Touch ID For Safari. After I do that, 1Password appears to unlock, but all I get is a blank light gray screen with the word 1Password in the background. The only option from that point is to hit Cancel in the top left corner of 1Password. What am I missing here and how do I fix it?

If it matters, I'm using an iPhone 6 Plus, and I also have 1Password for OSX.


  • Ben

    Hi there,

    This may seem like a silly question, but have you launched 1Password for iOS (the main app) since this problem began? The most common cause of this problem is the main app not being set up yet.


  • Rob Radencic
    Rob Radencic
    Community Member


    To test it out, right now, I'm restarting my iPhone. As soon as it's done restarting, I launch 1Password and enter my master password. The app unlocks. Then, I close it and open Safari. I go to a site that requires my username and password. I click the share button in Safari and scroll over to the 1Password icon. 1Password comes up. I use Touch ID and 1Password opens, but it only reveals a blank page with the word 1Password outlined over a light gray background, and the only option I see is to click Cancel.

  • Ben

    Thanks Rob.

    Could you please post the URL in your address bar and the URL saved in 1Password for the login that you want to use?

  • Rob Radencic
    Rob Radencic
    Community Member

    I think I figured it out. I assumed I'd entered a username and password into 1Password for a site I use often, but apparently, I never did. So... if 1Password opens in Safari but doesn't find a name & pass for a site, it opens with a weird page that shows nothing. If there's a username & password, 1Password shows it on a white page. But if there's none, 1Password opens with a light gray page with the word 1Password outlined. It'd be more helpful in this situation if 1Password said there's no name/pass for a site rather than just showing a blank page, because when using the app, there's no way to know what went wrong.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Rob Radencic‌,

    I'm so glad to hear you got things sorted out! The app extension is still a brand new feature, so there is certainly room for improvement. I think that a message similar to what you're suggesting could be very helpful here.

    I apologize for the confusion - if you do have any further questions or concerns, we're here to help!

    ref: OPI-1855

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