Creating second icloud sync grouping [Resolved: reset sync]

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

hello 1password community,

I was hoping to clear something up regarding the icloud syncing issues. I've now installed 1password5 on my mac. and I am now running yosemite. I was running yosemite beta earlier and there were many syncing issues with icloud.

what i find odd, is that 1password takes it upon itself to create a second keychain in icloud - rather than using the existing one.

note my lovely screenshot:

now, the one I want to use is the slightly larger database (the one my iOS 8 on my iPhone is using) but 1password on my mac doesn't seem to recognize it. I've completely uninstalled password and reinstalled it to no avail. My suspicion is 1password has some backup on my mac and uses it, and then sends that info to icloud when I tell it to sync to icloud. I suspect this is the case because even after a complete uninstall using "app cleaner" to get rid of everything - 1password still finds my keychain. granted it's an older version with fewer items than my iOS 8 one on my phone.

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to get rid of everything 1password related on my mac, and start fresh so I can use the keychain on icloud I want it to be using.

Thank you thank you in advance!


  • Digory
    Community Member
    edited October 2014

    *update to my situation. I've located the vault on my computer and changed its name so 1password boots as new. the problem now is that 1password cannot seem to find either of the two vaults in my icloud.

    again, what a lovely screenshot:

    this is what my phone displays:

    anyhow, if anyone else is having syncing issues with icloud still, I'd love to see if there might be a solution at all! :)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Digory,

    If you stored your 1Password data in iCloud prior to Yosemite and 1Password 5, the extra instance of data could simply be left over from the 'old' iCloud sync. I wouldn't worry about it too much. The best solution here is just to reset iCloud sync entirely:

    • On your iOS devices, open 1Password 4 for iOS, tap Settings > Sync > Sync Service and tap 'Disable Sync’.

    • On the Mac, open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click the 1Password menu, then Preferences. Click Sync, and click Change syncing.

    • Check the box to remove the data from iCloud and confirm that you want to disable sync.

    • Remove any extra data from iCloud.

    • Restart the Mac and iOS devices.

    • On the Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and enable iCloud.

    • Wait about 20 minutes to give iCloud time to run the initial sync to all devices.

    • Go back into the iOS app and re-enable iCloud sync. It should work this time.

    Please let me know if this helps! :)

  • Digory
    Community Member

    hey there @Megan‌ thanks for the answer.

    I did exactly that - and it worked. I was surprised at how long it took to push to iCloud, but it did it and all is well now! thanks so much!

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Digory,

    Thanks so much for letting me know that sync is (finally) behaving for you again!

    Since this issue is nicely sorted out now, I'll close this thread, but if you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to open a new thread, or email us directly at - we're here for you. :)

This discussion has been closed.