1Password Upgrade from 3.8.22 (build 32010)

Community Member

Hello everyone,
well, the days of my 1Password 3 install seem to be counted. After installing Yosemite on my MBA, I can no longer install the Safari extension to use 1Password. I am using the Dropbox variant to access my passwords from my Mac Mini (10.8 Mountain Lion - don't ask, there are good reasons... :\ ), my aforementioned MBA and iOS 8 equipped 5s and iPad 2.
Q: Can I just upgrade to 5 skipping Version 4? Will my Dropbox data adjust? Can all my OS X Versions cope with a newer 1Password? Any other obstacles?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

Thanx and best regards,



  • Hi @vmanns,

    After installing Yosemite on my MBA, I can no longer install the Safari extension to use 1Password.

    Did you try the 1Password 3 extension here: https://agilebits.com/extensions/mac/safari.html?beta=n

    That should work in Safari on Yosemite, they didn't change much in the extensions area.

    Q: Can I just upgrade to 5 skipping Version 4?

    Yes. 1Password 5 is specially designed for Yosemite but it can reuse your data from 1Password 3.

    Will my Dropbox data adjust?

    Yes, 1Password 5 will be showing the categories differently and change them on the fly as needed.

    Can all my OS X Versions cope with a newer 1Password? Any other obstacles?

    As long as you're using Dropbox to sync your data, it'll be fine.

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