1Password 4 not finding iCloud Backup

Community Member
edited October 2014 in Mac

I just had my computer wiped and I was installing 1Password 4 again (Im using Leopard not Mavericks) and when I try and restore my passwords from iCloud it says: "Could not find 1Password information on iCloud" but when I check my iCloud settings a portion of the space taken up on my iCloud is for 1Password. The information is there just 1Password cant find it.
Please Help Soon! (Screenshots attached)

Kind regards



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mak123abc‌

    Thanks so much for sending those screenshots in - that really helps!

    Have you upgraded your iOS devices to iOS 8 and 1Password 5? Unfortunately, Apple made some pretty big changes to iCloud between iOS 7/OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and iOS 8/OS X 10.10 (Yosemite). What this means is that 1Password 5 for iOS cannot sync via iCloud with 1Password 4 for Mac.

    If you're unable to upgrade your computer to OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) at this time, I recommend looking into Dropbox or Wi-Fi to keep you data synced up.

  • alessandrodn
    Community Member

    Dear Megan,
    I am also stuck in the middle of the iCloud transition with no keychain.

    I had 1Password4 on 10.9 synced with iCloud.
    Then I made a fresh Yosemite install and re-download 1Password 5 from the Store but when I launched it, no data has been found!!!
    All the other apps migrated flawlessly...

    As in the @mak123abc‌ case, I can still see my 1Password 4 iCloud data under the iCloud control Panel and in the directory (~/Library/Mobile Documents/2BUA8C4S2C~com~agilebits~onepassword/onepassword_data/).

    Could you please give me advises to get my keychain back?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alessandrodn,

    Because of the major iCloud changes that Megan mentioned, iCloud sync is completely different in 1Password 5 so it cannot read the data saved by 1Password 4 in the old iCloud directory. But there is likely another way to get your data back into 1Password 5 on your Mac. Can you let us know the following:

    • What other devices/computers are you syncing with 1Password?
    • What version of 1Password are you using on the other devices/computers?
    • What device/computer has your most up-to-date 1Password information?
    • Do you have a backup of your Mac from before the fresh Yosemite installation?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Alessandro ( @alessandrodn‌ ),

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're having trouble here. Did you save any backups of your 1Password data before doing the clean install? Do you have access to your 1Password data on any other computers or devices?

  • alessandrodn
    Community Member

    At the moment this is my only computer.
    I can probably recover a backup from Time Machine..

    Anyway, I wonder what's the difference between the upgrade and the fresh install?
    If I've made an upgrade I should ended up in the same scenario,
    I thought 1Password 5 was in charge of data migration from the old iCloud Document format to the new CloudKit.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alessandrodn‌,

    I was just working on fixing that issue a few minutes ago :smiley:

    If see that you are using 1Password 5 web store on Yosemite and there is no way for us to retrieve your new iCloud (CloudKit) data. You need to be using 1Password 5 from the Mac App Store instead!

    Sorry for the confusion.

    However, if you are currently using the webstore version of 1Password, but would like to transfer to the Mac App Store version to continue using iCloud sync, please email your purchase information in to support+forum@agilebits.com and our team will help you out!

    Please let me know if there's anything else that I can do for you.



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