Database backup failed - pops up every 5 mins

Community Member

I have the same problem as the correspondence on this topic discussion (now closed):
Could you make the solution to this more generally available? If necessary, can you send me a diagnostics tool so I can send you a report on the specifics of my case?
Appreciate your help - the pop-ups are driving me mad!


  • Hi @Bob_2014‌,

    If you are sure it is the leftover parts of 1Password 3 causing a ruckus, then try the following.

    • Go to Finder and choose Go > Go to Folder… and enter ~/Library/LaunchAgents
    • Delete ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist
    • Choose Go > Go to Folder… and enter ~/Library/Application Support/1Password
    • Delete the Agent folder
    • Restart your Mac

    Let me know if that helps. :)

  • Bob_2014
    Community Member

    Hi Chris. Thnaks for the quick response. Maybe my assumption diagnosis is wrong, as I can't find either of the two items in the relevant folders. Do have any other ideas of how I might resolve the issue? Cheers.

  • Hi @Bob_2014‌,

    Were you sure to include the ~ in the search string for Go to Folder? A lot of folks miss that, but it is important for solving this.

  • klingleplace
    Community Member

    Hello 1Password: I am having the same or similar issue, I have a MacBook Pro and since I update to Yosemite 10.10, I receive every five minutes a waring that my 1Password Backup failed. I have 1Password 5.0.1, and I have been a user since 1PW Version 3. There may be some legacy 1PW software in there, but I have no idea how to fix this, and it is very annoying. I did as you suggested above to go to ~/Library/LaunchAgents but there was no file titles ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist in there. I will appreciate if you can help me solve this issue. Best Regards.

  • thightower
    Community Member
  • @klingleplace‌, On the prompt you receive, does it have the old 1Password 3 logo with the key, or the newer 1Password 4/5 logo? Could you attach screenshot?

This discussion has been closed.