New feature needed: search

Community Member

My notes are many, long, and filled with keywords. I used to use encrypted text files but that was limited to PC only. 1Password gave access across all devices. Almost perfect. Now I need to be able to put in a search word so I easily retrieve my info. Scrolling works, but is way too slow.

So, I am asking for a search function within a secure note. Today, I can use the current search function to find a specific note title. Yes, I could convert each small section of data to an individual note. I'm afraid i don't have a long enough lifetime anymore to do that. If only I had 1Password 30 years ago when I started this file on Unix. Needless to say, it is an old man's version of his mind in the form of a permanent RAM file. I add something to the file daily (that's a lot of entries).

Thanks for listening.


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