iCloud sync and the webstore version

Community Member
edited November 2014 in Mac

Apologies to existing customers who are as frustrated as I am -- the title of this discussion is intentional clickbait.

Agilebits could solve this issue for all of us, though, and here's how:

Use the existing web form to recover licenses, and allow a user to request an App Store download code instead of a license file.

If you would like to "encourage" Agilebits to do the right thing and stop gimping the products they've sold to their existing customers, please respond to this thread with a "pretty please Agilebits".


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    No, that doesn't work, because Apple doesn't allow such a large number of download codes. If it would have worked, I am sure AgileBits would have done so.

    My opinion is that they should promise to repay at least 70% of the AppleStore cost when someone who has a web store license also buys from the App Store.

    70% because Apple takes 30% of the purchase price, so a full refund would be a major cash flow problem for AB. I actually think they should accept some loss and refund 80% or 90% of the cost.

  • GaryBaalman
    Community Member

    Incorrect about the # of download codes. Starbucks offers free downloads of a given song via download codes every week. I'm confident that Agilebits has fewer customers than Starbucks.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I'm not sure, but I'll bet that Starbucks is paying for all those codes. Developers do, in fact, have a limited number of download codes to issue for free. I suppose they could decide to buy codes for everyone, but as @danco observes, that would create a cash flow problem. After all, they haven't just banked the license fees they've received. They've invested in more development and paid a bunch of salaries. The money isn't in the bank.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GaryBaalman,

    I sincerely apologize for the frustration here. We want all our users to be satisfied, and we wish that there was more that we could do to solve this for everyone. Unfortunately, @danco and @hawkmoth are right - we simply do not have the promo codes available to transfer each webstore user over to the Mac App Store. We have discussed this issue with Apple many times and even requested that they let us buy more promo codes, but they have not made that option available to us.

    If you haven't already, please read through Dave's post on iCloud changes in the website version of 1Password 5, which explains the situation, including what we are currently able to do for users.

    I'm really sorry that I don't have a better answer for you here. If you have any further questions, of course we're here to help.

This discussion has been closed.