Issues with version 5.1.2

Community Member

I'm having a couple issues with ios8 and iPassword 5.1.2. First, I'm seeing crashes when I attempt to auto fill my saved credit card data from the 1password browser (using Safari (iPad) as the user agent). This seems to happen every time I use auto fill.

The second problem is that if I open 1password on my new iPhone 6 and then immediately hold my thumb on the fingerprint reader, sometimes it reads and validates my fingerprint before the pop-up comes up asking for my touchid. This causes me to be locked out of 1password because I can't dismiss the pop-up. The home button doesn't even work when it's locked in this way. The only recourse is to lock the phone, then unlock it to get it to work again.

Please fix these issues ASAP or let me know what I need to do to avoid these issues. This is a great app, but it becomes somewhat less useful when I can't use auto fill.



  • Ben

    Hi @StangGuy‌

    First, I'm seeing crashes when I attempt to auto fill my saved credit card data from the 1password browser (using Safari (iPad) as the user agent). This seems to happen every time I use auto fill.

    Does this only happen when changing the user agent from the default?

    The second problem is that if I open 1password on my new iPhone 6 and then immediately hold my thumb on the fingerprint reader, sometimes it reads and validates my fingerprint before the pop-up comes up asking for my touchid. This causes me to be locked out of 1password because I can't dismiss the pop-up. The home button doesn't even work when it's locked in this way. The only recourse is to lock the phone, then unlock it to get it to work again.

    We believe this may be an iOS 8 issue, and we've filed a bug with Apple.

    or let me know what I need to do to avoid these issues

    if I open 1password on my new iPhone 6 and then immediately hold my thumb on the fingerprint reader

    Until the bug has been fixed, please try to avoid doing that. Give the app a chance to present the Touch ID prompt before holding on the reader.

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