PASSWORD created on MAC and then Edit-Upgraded to LOGIN fails to replicate to ANDROID

Community Member

Could reproduce above. Deleting upgraded LOGIN to trash, and creating a fresh with same content directly as LOGIN replicates down well.
Can others reproduce this as well? Tx


  • Hi @dgantenbein‌,

    Here's what I'm understanding so far:

    1. You created a new Password item in 1Password for Mac, then edited it to select Convert to Login, which moves it to the Logins category in 1Password for Mac.
    2. The previous Password item that was in the Android app, never got moved to Login item or do you mean it never showed up at all either as a Password item or as the Login item?

    After that, trashing the Login item and creating a new Login item with the same password content, it did show up in the Android app, right?

    Can you tell me a few things, so we can try to reproduce this:

    1. What versions of 1Password are you using on both Mac and Android?
    2. How are you syncing your data, Dropbox or Folder Sync?
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