iCloud support only available in Mac App Store version [Apple policy]

Community Member
edited April 2015 in Mac

I just upgraded to 1Password 5, because I just upgraded my mac to Yosemite. Only after I purchased via the web store and opened 1Password 5 did it tell me that I wouldn't be able to use iCloud Sync any more, since I purchased via the web store and not the mac app store. Maybe this info went out via email sometime previously, but I think the web store should warn you about that when you purchase there. I'm irritated.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited March 2015

    If you purchased your license from AgileBits within the last 30 days (as your post implies), they will refund your money and you can buy from the Mac App Store. Be aware, though, that discounted upgrade pricing is not available from Apple, if you take that course.

  • justme12
    Community Member

    I saw this thread too about it not being clear. https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/175640#Comment_175640

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @ On the web store purchasing page it specifically says that you need the App Store version for iCloud sync, the info is right there and not hidden.

    However, I think it could be made more prominent. The Agile people are making changes to their site, and I hope they will find a way to make it harder for people to miss.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alangenh,

    I'm refunding your recent purchase, not just because of your post but because you already had a valid licence which covered you for 1Password 5 for Mac and I've resent all of your licences to you too should you need them.

    Now unfortunately we can't help with the MAS price I'm afraid. The Apple store simply doesn't have the functionality to allow us to either mass migrate users or offer a selective discount (for any reason) like we can in our store. Until Apple introduce such a feature the concept of an update price is limited to our Agile Web Store (AWS) version.

    So at the moment you are licensed for 1Password 5 (AWS). You don't have to pay a single penny more right now. If you deem iCloud Sync valuable/important enough then sadly it would mean a new purchase of 1Password 5 (MAS). If you did decide to go down this route then during our sale is a good a time as any.

    If you have any follow up questions please do ask :smile:

  • alangenh
    Community Member

    Thank you for your help, littlebobbytales -- I didn't remember buying a 1Password 5 license, but then, I put off updating to Yosemite for a long time. I guess I'm not too surprised at myself.

    I also totally believe the info about iCloud could have been on the web store, but if so, it didn't catch my attention at all. Sometimes we see what we expect to see unless something grabs our attention (plus fonts seem harder to read in Yosemite.) I would've probably needed a red alert textbox with bold and exclamation points or something.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @alangenh: Sorry for the confusion. I'm glad we were able to get things straightened out for you. It is something that comes up from time to time, and we've tried different things to make sure people don't miss that...but, as you say, 'sometimes we see what we expect'!

    Thanks again for your patience and feedback. We try to make things clear, but where we sometimes fail in that regard, we do what we can to make things right in the end! I guess we can always resort to <BLINK> tags, but let's hope it never comes to that. ;)

  • crunchbee
    Community Member

    This isn't just an "oops, we could have done better" type situation. When you are asking customers to spend $50 for software they should be able to take full advantage of all the functionality the software can provide, regardless of from where they purchase it. Now I have to spend an extra $50 if I want to use iCloud, which I do (I have my reasons why dropbox and WiFi won't work). In this case, instead I will switch to another solution, which is sad because this program is top notch. Here's a suggestion: if the mac version you sell on your website doesn't have the full functionality, stop selling it there and simply redirect mac users to the App Store instead.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    When you are asking customers to spend $50 for software they should be able to take full advantage of all the functionality the software can provide, regardless of from where they purchase it.

    @crunchbee: Not at all. We aren't soliciting here. As with any product, each of us has the freedom to decide for ourselves if it meets our needs and then 'vote' with our wallets. If you need a feature (such as iCloud) that is not available, it is probably best to find an alternative that is a better fit rather than settling and suffering with something that doesn't do what you need it to.

    Apple does not permit non-MAS apps to use iCloud at all, so we can only include that feature in 1Password when it is purchased from the Mac App Store. It's Apple's store and service, and it's their prerogative to set policy the way they like. If this changes we'd be happy to include this functionality, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Here's a suggestion: if the mac version you sell on your website doesn't have the full functionality, stop selling it there and simply redirect mac users to the App Store instead.

    Many people prefer not to purchase from the Mac App Store for various reasons. We respect that, and so we make 1Password available directly through our website as well. I understand where you're coming from, but just it wouldn't be fair to those folks if we just pulled 1Password from our website and said that everyone had to purchase it though the Mac App Store. The choice is yours, and we're proud to be able to offer it.

    And in fact this is one reason we love being able to offer our software to our customers directly: we can offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Since it's our store, we can be more flexible in this regard and offer bundles. No matter how great a product is, there is always the risk of buyer's remorse or an honest mistake.

    If you really need iCloud support just let us know and we can refund your purchase from the AgileBits store provided it is within the 30-day window. Just contact us support+forums at agilebits dot com, and be sure to include a link to this forum thread and your username in the email so we can 'connect the dots'.

  • Sallz
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    I also bought 1Password version 5 from the Agile Bits store and didn't see that you couldn't sync with icloud. How do I go about getting a refund so that I may purchase it from the Apple store?... I did not buy an upgrade, I bought the version 5 straight out as this was the first time I had bought 1Password. I have only had it for one day. Thank you for your help.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Sallz: Done. I'm sorry for the confusion! I've refunded your purchase, so be sure to keep an eye on your account for it.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. :)

  • Sallz
    Community Member

    Thank you so much brenty. I really do appreciate your help. I should also let you know that I have emailed support+forums, I hope that doesn't mess things up. Thank you again.
    Take care

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Sallz: Not a problem! Thanks for mentioning it. It sounds like you should be all set, but we're here if you need us! :)

    ref: IKB-96993-525

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator


    Why has the website not been changed? I realise you may be waiting until you can do some major changes. But this issue seems to come up so often, and it would take around five minutes to make a change that would help people to see the differences in the versions.

    At present "required for iCloud sync" is printed immediately under the "Available on App Store" button. But you should add "This version does not include iCloud sync" immediately under the "buy it here" line.

    There's more that could and should be done, but this change is easy and would help immediately.

  • k_larson
    Community Member

    Thanks everyone!!

    I have a Dropbox account so it was very easy to switch syncing to DB.

    I will decide if I want the ability to sync to iCloud in the next couple of weeks. For now I'm thinking DB or WiFi will do the trick for us.

    Thanks again! Kent

    PS - I do think this issue could be addressed more directly during the purchase of 1Password from the Agilebits website.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Kent ( @k_larson ),

    Thanks so much for your feedback here! I hope that Dropbox works well for you, but if you have any concerns, we're happy to help. :)

  • crunchbee
    Community Member

    I agree with @danco! While I understand the points @brenty has made in his reply to my comment, a much better business practice would be to add a notation that is far more clear about the limitations of the program when purchased in the Agile Bits store. For those of us that bought the program more than 30 days ago, not fully realizing the limitations, I guess we are out of luck. Further to @brenty's point, it appears I have only myself to blame and will do as he recommends and "vote" with my wallet by finding another solution. From the tone of the comment from this particular Agile Bits team member it sounds as if Agile Bits doesn't need or particularly want my business anyway.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @crunchbee: I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

    What I meant is that when you make your purchase, buy the version you need based on the features and your preference (MAS versus non-MAS, for instance). If you use it and realize it isn't version you needed (or you find it doesn't meet your needs in the first place), we will do what we can to help remedy the situation. But we can't even try unless you email us and let us know when this happens.

    I'm sorry you feel this way, but there simply isn't anything we can do to help in your situation if you don't reach out to us like I suggested in my previous post. And under the circumstances I don't think it's necessary to disparage me personally, when I was offering assistance. I know I spoke for the rest of the good folks here at AgileBits when I said:

    We try to make things clear, but where we sometimes fail in that regard, we do what we can to make things right in the end!

    Rather than publicly declaring that we don't want your business I encourage you to take advantage of my offer to see if there is something we can do for you in your particular situation. It doesn't seem fair to complain that we're not helping unless you give us the chance! :)

This discussion has been closed.