Sync - the ultimate question

Community Member
edited March 2015 in Mac

I have 2 Mac's - iMac & MBP. I have 2 iPads, - iPad Air and iPad Mini. I have an iPhone. I need to keep all five synchronized.
I have the all iOS devices set to sync on Wi-Fi. Working fine between each iOS device.
I have the OS X devices set to sync with Dropbox. They use the same file path to 1Password.agilekeychain. Both are in 'Primary' vault.
Problem: they are not all syncing; When I changed a password on the MBP neither the iOS devices nor the iMac changed the password. When I added a new "test" item on 1Password on the MBP it appeared on the iMac but not the iOS devices, even after ensuring that a recent Sync had occurred.
? Only the Shadow knows! ? Any help will be appreciated.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @idgoddard,

    So you have what seems two issues there.

    My first question would be, if you're using Dropbox for syncing the Macs why not use Dropbox on your iOS devices too? Obviously that assumes we get Dropbox working between your Macs but once we've achieved that goal I do believe you would find using Dropbox on all devices results in a smoother sync.

    So saying that, now to your Dropbox issue.

    So to recap, creating a new item syncs but a change doesn't, is that correct?

    I'm going to link you to a recent post of mine. In there there are links to two Dropbox FAQs as well as a screenshot of the Dropbox 'window' if you click on the Dropbox icon in your menu bar.

    1. If you create a new item from within 1Password, does dropbox say it has synchronised two files, one ending in .1password and another titled contents.js?
    2. If you then edit an item, does it similarly say that it has updated one ending in .1password and another titled contents.js?
    3. If it does, can you view this edit using 1PasswordAnywhere?
    4. If you can view the edit, what does Dropbox report on your other machine, is it saying it has recently updated these same files?
    5. If Dropbox is saying they're updated and if 1Password is not showing the edit, does this change if you quit 1Password completely using the ⌃⌘Q keyboard shortcut and then open it again? You will need to enter your Master Password as we quite both 1Password and 1Password mini on purpose.

    Your findings will be very useful in trying to determine what the issue is. At this moment, asking for a diagnostic report won't help until we determine where the issue is, is the issue with OS X/Dropbox or 1Password.

    We look forward to reading your findings and thank you for carrying out those steps.

  • idgoddard
    Community Member

    Thanks little bobby, Your first question kinda addressed the issue. I have ALL devices now syncing to Dropbox - seems that they are in sync. The MBP - OS X - is not in sync but it has not synced since I made a change - 21 minutes now. How do you force a sync? I tried shutting down 1Password but it comes back to same old same old! By the way, in iOS I never could access the Dropbox file because the password I was using failed. I was trying to enter the Dropbox password. What was required was the 1Password password! I had been trying for weeks. Maybe I'm dumb but the indication could be clearer.

  • idgoddard
    Community Member
    edited March 2015

    The Ultimate answer to the Ultimate Sync question therefore is; If using multiple devices, sync all of them to the same 1Password keychain and the same method, Wi-Fi or Dropbox. (yep, some of us are that dumb!)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @idgoddard,

    Don't worry, you're definitely not dumb - this sort of problem can be quite confusing sometimes!

    So if I understand, does this mean you found the problem and solved it, and all Macs and iOS devices are now syncing correctly? If so, I'm very happy to hear that! And it's also proof that you're smarter than you're giving yourself credit for. ;)

    If you need more help with that, or if you run into other issues in the future, please let us know - we're here for you!

  • idgoddard
    Community Member

    Hey Drew, sorry, I did not expect a response. Yep, all devices are now syncing. Many thanks for helping.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, thanks for letting us know! If you need anything else, you know where to find us. :)

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