1Password iOS not finding Exisitng Data (Vault)

Community Member

After downloading 1Password iOS, I tried to sync with an exisitng copy of my primary vault. Error message reported Existing Data Not Found.

Now, let me back things up a little bit as to what was going on before the above happened.

I only recently realized the primary vault for my iOS devices and Mac were different and found it was because 1Password iOS was using the old iCloud primary vault. 1Password5 on my Mac is using a primary vault stored in my iCloud Drive.

I went to my iPhone and iPad, turned off syncing. Did the same with Mac 1Password 5. On the iPhone, I deleted the vaults from iCloud and iCloud Drive. I then went back to 1Password5 on the Mac since this is where the most current version of my list of passwords, etc. resides. Turned on syncing and told 1Password to create a new sync on iCloud Drive.

I then went to my iPhone, installed a fresh copy of 1Password iOS from the App Store and told the app to use an existing vault and then received the error about Existing Data Not Found.

iCloud Drive is turned on on iMac (Yosemite), iPhone (iOS 8) and iPad (iOS8)

Any suggestions? I could use the Dropbox syncing or WIFI syncing but would like to use iCloud Drive.



  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @potemkin64,

    You wouldn't happen to be a beta tester are you? If you have a beta version of 1Password, Mac or iOS, the iCloud drive location will be different. This is a limitation of the way that Apple allows iCloud drives to work. So basically you may have synced your mac to a location in iCloud Drive that would be inaccessible to the iOS app if one was a beta version of 1Password.

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