Save Perscriptions and proof of insurance

Community Member

I'd like to make a suggestion for new types of content that 1password could support. I wear glasses and I will often lose my prescription when I need to order lenses and contacts, it would be nice to be able to save my prescription as part of my identity or a separate bit of into. Also I think different types of proof of insurance should be support so that people can quickly reference it.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @santeau: Ah, yes! This is exactly the sort of thing I store as attachments! I add them (usually in PDF format) on my Mac or PC and then sync them to my mobile devices via Dropbox (usually, but depends on the week) to have them handy when I'm away from a computer.

    As for specifics, we may add custom categories in the future; but for now I use Identity and and Membership items for these types of things. I hope this helps! :)

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