On IOS device, sometimes a get a popup asking Wikipedia to have access

Community Member

When I open the APP up on my IPhone6 at times I get a notification window that asks me to allow Wikipedia to gain access..
. I always deny. Sounds phony to me. Any clue why I get this?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben

    Hi @alsinger01,

    Is this happening within 1Password? What sort of access is Wikipedia asking for? Do you have the Wikipedia app installed on your phone?

    Please let us know.


  • alsinger01
    Community Member

    Yes. When I open it..Randomly. Here is a picture.

  • Jasper

    Hi @alsinger01,

    If 1Password finds a URL in your clipboard, it’ll prompt you to open it in the built-in browser. So, it sounds like that Wikipedia URL was the latest thing you copied on the device.

    You can disable the "Prompt to open websites" option under Settings > Advanced if you'd like.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always happy to help! :)

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