
I use my CC on a bunch of websites such as to make payments. For awhile, I could use 1password but recently (several months now), I can no longer use it. The data from 1PW simply won't fill in the field on the pop ups. I'm seeing this on WellsFargo CEO portal as well. Any suggestions?

1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.10.2
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Homey,

    Based on the extension version you reported it would seem you are referring to Google Chrome.

    There are a couple of things I would like you to try for me please.

    1. If there are any Chrome updates pending the extension doesn't work. I don't know the underlying technical reasons, merely this is a possibility. If you use the menu option Chrome > About Google Chrome you should see the version number for Chrome and it will say if it's up to date or if their are updates pending.
    2. We've released a new version of our 1Password Chrome Extension. To force Chrome to update your Extensions you can visit Chrome's extension page chrome://extensions and enable Developer mode (top right hand corner of the page) as it will then make a Update extensions now button visible.

    So the first will definitely stop 1Password from working in Chrome while the second may help as we have been fighting timing related issues in Chrome. Please let us know if either helps at all :smile:

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