Linked passwords, items [feature request]

Community Member
edited April 2015 in Lounge

I have many sites that use Active directory as its password store. These are all separate sites. Every 90 days I have to change my password. Would be great to just have to change it in one place and it propagates to those logins that I have designated as linked.


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    I have the same situation and never found an acceptable solution that worked reliably despite going through several different ways of doing it with the Agilebits guys.

  • beardfury
    Community Member

    I would love to see this implemented as well!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @hjerrold, @RichardPayne, @cobaltjacket, @beardfury: Thanks for the feedback! This is certainly a bit of a dilemma, both from a development and user perspective. I'd be interested to hear any suggestions for how you'd like to see this done.

    It sounds like maybe just a way to link login items (or items in general) might help in this case, but another 'nice-to-have' feature for this specific case might be timed reminders as well. While we probably wouldn't want to implement something with only Active Directory in mind, there may be some ideas here that could be useful in other cases as well, so that it could benefit even more people! :)

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Here's how I'd do it:

    1) Create username/password fields on Logins that aren't tied to the web form fields.
    2) Move the web form fields from being link to the Login to being link to the URL. This means multiple sets of web form fields per login; one set per url. When storing these in the keychain you could either come up with a new structure or just prefix the web form id's with url identifier.
    3) When a web form field is designated username or password then it takes the value from the Login's new fields when doing filling.

  • hjerrold
    Community Member

    I would treat this similar to contacts in os x - you can link contacts together. When you do that, you share the username and password field. System would ask you which one is master when you do this - and you select. From that point forward that record is master for all you link to it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Some interesting ideas. Thank you! :) :+1:

    I'm trying to think if this could also be applied to other uses as well, besides just Active Directory, but nothing is coming to mind...

  • mitchw
    Community Member

    I’m a huge fan of 1P. I’ve used it since the beginning.
    A huge drawback that I’ve had to overcome is the inability to “link” items. Tags don’t really do the trick. Here’s an example:

    A bank account may have associated with it: a login, two or three bank accounts, one or two debits cards etc. What happens if you have two or three of these scenarios for say, “Bank of America”. Its a huge mess to search through.

    It would be great if there was a way to “link” items together in a simple fashion that didn’t require some tag name or reference search.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    @mitchw: I hope you don't mind, but I've merged this with an existing thread about 'linking' items in 1Password -- especially since this feature request would apply to more than just the Mac version.

    We may be able to add something like this to 1Password in the future. Could you elaborate on what you mean exactly when you say you want them 'linked', though? Do you mean just hyperlinks to make navigating between items quicker, or something else entirely?

  • mitchw
    Community Member


    I would say that this is less a matter of navigation function and more a matter of visual appearance. We all know that tags and hyperlinks can connect items. I'm suggesting a split pane on the left where affiliated items pop up when a linked item is selected.

    For example... I am sorting through 500 different bank accounts in the "all items" list on the left. 50 of them are "Bank of America" I click on one. A pane split in the "all items" list. On top you see a list of "affiliated items", and below you see the list of "all items" that you were just looking at. In the "affiliated items" list, I would then see related savings accounts, debit cards, checking accounts, logins etc

    The visual connection is key.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @mitchw: Excellent. That makes sense. Almost 1Password mini if I search for Google it will show me the 'best match', with other related items below.
    Instead, selecting an item from the list on the left could 'pull' other items which are 'linked' to it to the top of the list, beneath the selected item maybe? Interesting... :)

  • mitchw
    Community Member


    You are on the right track. If you want 1Password to transcend from a password manager to a complete mobile wallet, you'l have to provide some sort of visual grouping. This is especially helpful for say, someone in line at the bank asking for info about an account. Hyperlinks and tags are sloppy. Grouped items like what you showed above are cleaner.

    Hope to see this implemented soon! Thanks.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    Hi @mitchw,

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! We've heard requests for linking items before and I'll be sure our team knows that you're interested in this as well.

    ref: OPM-2176

  • TheDave
    Community Member

    I'd love to see a way to tell items to share the same password as well. I've got several sites that could use this, starting with every job where I've ever worked, where there is one or more master passwords (Active Directory, LDAP, whatever) that logs me into various other resources, internal and external.

    But it's not limited to that, sites that span multiple domains (Binary Fortress,, Dropbox, Stack Exchange, others) also have similar issues, where one account and one password works on multiple web properties, and listing them all is impractical (especially since the login forms are not always identical even when the username and password are)

    One possible implementation would be to add a new (optional) data field to each item that contains a list of fields which are linked. A linked field would contain a value like UUID:FIELDNAME, the contents of this field would be dynamically filled with the "FIELDNAME" field/reference from the item with UUID 123. At the UI level, you would need a way to link items, I'd like to be able to link (at a minimum) the username and password.

    When displaying an item which is linked, it should be possible to find the target item, perhaps the linked field would be underlined and act as a hyperlink? This might be more intuitive than another arrow type icon.

    It should be possible to link only the password (I use both flastname, domain\fname and firstname.lastname username formats at $DAYJOB, but if I change one password, they all change in unison), but there might be cases where it's useful to link more than just the password, I'm not sure if this matters or not, but it seems like it would be easier to generalize this than decide which specific fields can be linked.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @TheDave: This is a really interesting idea. I think the biggest obstacle is that different people are looking for different things from a 'linking' feature in 1Password. So I'd personally favour having items link in a way that doesn't affect either one directly, but instead just makes it easier to navigate between them to make managing them easier.

    I'm sharing this with the team, and perhaps we can come up with a solution that will be both useful and avoid complexity that could be a pitfall for non-powerusers. Thanks for the thoughtful feedback! :)

  • TheDave
    Community Member

    I can definitely see the utility of related items being related in some fashion, but to me, that's an organizational detail that one can handle using a naming or tagging scheme (assuming one takes the time to do so). Still, being able to create hyper-links from one item to another, and somehow display groups could be useful.

    I might argue that tags accomplish the same thing, but overloading tags comes with it's own set of problems.

    To me, the really challenging problem (as a user) is coping with items that have shared data, especially when the underlying authentication system is on a hair-trigger for bad passwords.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @TheDave: If we can find a way to do it that doesn't give my mom a migraine, I'm on board. :)

    I might argue that tags accomplish the same thing, but overloading tags comes with it's own set of problems.

    Agreed. I think this is where migraines start. They're useful, but we don't want to get too carried away.

    To me, the really challenging problem (as a user) is coping with items that have shared data, especially when the underlying authentication system is on a hair-trigger for bad passwords.

    I use the Notes section for this. Hyperlinks would be better, rather than having to manually search for the item in question. I'd be satisfied with that, so long as we come up with a good interface to set up the links in the first place that doesn't involve manually copying and pasting UUIDs. But I fear that this doesn't satisfy a solid majority of uses anyway.

  • slessard
    Community Member

    +1 for single sign-on support.

    Adding a second URL to a single login item usually does the trick, but sometimes fails. A specific case where this fails for me is when sites have conflicting web form field names. For example on this page ( 1Password is actually changing the value of the "Sign In" button's text with my email address instead of populating the "Username" field with my email address.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback! :)

    However, the best thing to do about specific login issues is to report them using our Synapse website issue tracker, and post in the browser filling category of the forums rather than moving a feature request thread off-topic. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.