Accounts folder missing on phone app - samsung galaxy s6


Hi. I have 1password app on my samsung galaxy s6 and I have the paid Pro version. Everything works great, except I do not have an accounts folder on my phone, but works on all my computers. Why is that missing and how do I get it to come up on my phone.

1Password Version:
Extension Version:
OS Version: Android 5.0.2
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @trevor_tscomputing. Thanks for contacting us today! :)

    1Password 4 for Windows has a few View settings which alters the way certain categories are viewed in the sidebar. For instance, all financial related categories can be grouped together under 'Wallet' and all accounts (such as email accounts, routers, and databases) can be grouped under 'Accounts'. These are not folders per se. They're just a part of the UI on Windows.

    However, 1Password 4 for Android doesn't have these View options, which is why you're not able to view all accounts as one category. On Android, each category shows up individually in the Categories list. You could certainly create folders to organize items, though, if you like.

    I hope this clarifies things a bit. Let us know if you have further questions. Thanks!

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