where can I find my passwords, which are gone after I tried to change something in one of the notes

Community Member

all my passwords disappeared, after I tried to change one of my passwords, I had in the list of many. How can I reset my latest change to find the whole list of passwords, I already had in 1 password

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Referrer: forum-search:where can I find my passwords, which are gone after I tried to change something in one of the notes


  • Alexia111
    Community Member

    where is the reset button of 1password to find my list again, I had before the update of my iphone

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Alexia111: There is no reset button. Do you have a backup of your 1Password data? While it isn't clear to me exactly what you mean by 'all my passwords disappeared', having a backup means that you can restore if needed, even in the case of some catastrophe.

    Unfortunately without some basic information it's hard to say what might be going wrong and how we might right it! Please tell me all OS, 1Password, and device versions you're using, the exact steps you're taking, and what is (or is not) happening the way you expect so we can figure out the best plan of action.

    all my passwords disappeared, after I tried to change one of my passwords, I had in the list of many. How can I reset my latest change to find the whole list of passwords, I already had in 1 password

    However, if you mean that you were storing all of your passwords in a single note, and then you deleted its contents accidentally, there is no 'undo' button to revert your change. In this case, restoring from a backup would be your only option, short of starting over and being sure to backup in the future. Please let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you!

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