1Password IOS does not autofill User ID and Password field on my either of 2 iPhones.

Community Member

iPhone 6, iPhone 6Plus
1Password Pro up to date on both devices
On my iPhone 1Password 1Browser does not auto fill user ID or password at launchfcu.com on either iPhone 6Plus or iPhone 6.
On the 6, I can touch the Key symbol, then touch the correct site and it will then fill in the user ID. I can repeat the same procedure for the password field. This procedure does not work at the same site on the 6Plus.
At other sites, the user ID and/or password will auto fill when 1Browser opens for that sight.

I have tried saving launchfcu.com as a new login but the same issue occurred.

1Password Version: 6.0.2
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: OSX 10.11
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1Password IOS does not autofill User ID and Password field iPhone.


  • MrRooni
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, @Delirious. Thanks for taking the time to write in. I'm sorry for the trouble you're having getting your login to fill on launchfcu.com.

    I created a test login for this site and ran into the same thing. I will file a bug report internally here, but for now a workaround seems to be that you can tap the Log In button (without filling in anything) and be taken to https://www.virtuoso.launchfcu.com/ISuite5/Features/Auth/MFA/Default.aspx

    1Password will fill your login information on that page. It's also served over https and is a secure way to login to the bank's page as opposed to their homepage which is served over http. My recommendation would be to update the website information in your Launch FCU item and change it to https://www.virtuoso.launchfcu.com/ISuite5/Features/Auth/MFA/Default.aspx so that you go there by default.

    Let me know if you need any other help!

    ref: OPX-1072

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