Vision / Features



I'm just imagine what 1password could do in future for me as customer. And what I will spent money for. Maybe others are looking for the same...

And if you satisfy us customers you should get more earnings per Team :-)

  1. File/Dir based syncronisation like icloud drive combined with
    I personally would need a free storage provider option, just you as storage Provider and I would pay for it. Would be cool if a Team could pay per global storage plan.

The Files/Dirs should be available via Website too.

Using the service as online filesharing system for our company. We would pay for this premium features.

Since I'm accountable for a budget, I know we would :-)

  1. b)
    Role and Rightmanagement should be available.

  2. Backup storage and Passwords to an other service (Naturally encrypted)
    Would be cool to get an sheduled Backup to a other cloud service. Like google nearline storage or amazon glacier.

  3. Team Collaboration
    With features above there are more ways to enable 1password as a encrypted Team Collaboration plattform.

You could add support for API's to allow other Plattform to build on and make more good services available.
Or you could simply add more Service by your self. A Projectmanagement tool and so on. All based on your encryption exprience.
So Cloudservices could be used in an save enviroment.

  1. Local on Site Installation
    Would be cool for bigger companys.

Just my creative Visions about the future. Anyway like Steve Jobs said. It's not hard to have good ideas, it is hard to select the most promising ideas for your Company.

I whish you all a big success, and I can't wait to pay for your service.


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • A lot of great ideas here, Random!

    Combined with out our internal list it would keep us busy for a while :)

    Thank you!

This discussion has been closed.