Current catagory's just do not work for us, Should I move on to something else?


Our company needs to store multiple passwords in each card for a particular customer. The only category currently is "Server" which has 2 generator passwords allowed. I understand this is beta, but I am in the decision making process now and have to find a solution.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @posprg: While I find that Secure Notes are useful for my more 'generic' data, if for some reason you're in need of specific categories that 1Password does not have (or if you require custom categories), then 1Password might not be a good fit for you.

    That said, while the 1Password for Teams web interface doesn't currently support adding custom sections and fields, both 1Password for Mac and 1Password for iOS (which are 1Password for Teams clients) do. From your description, it sounds like you may just need to add an section password field to some items. If not, I'd love to hear what you're looking for exactly and why, as it may be something we can add in the future.

  • posprg
    Community Member

    We are tech company that offers a help desk to our customers. Our product is involved with credit cards so we must maintain PCI regulations in regards to using non standard passwords. I have a team of 25 to 30 people that need access to information from anywhere for approx 3,000 customers. We need a category that can generate up to 8 random passwords. I want the ability to add custom fields instead of using a secure note but if we had the 8 password fields I could live with using a note for the rest. Password management has become harder than ever before and I am amazed that I cannot find a solution to this problem with today's technology without spending tens of thousands on a custom solution application.

  • Thanks for the description @posprg. You should be able to add custom fields of the Password type to Secure notes, which would get you part of the way:

    It'd be nice for it to not require that you manually create the fields every time though. The one workaround I can propose for that is to create an item like this that has all the fields but whose data isn't real. Then you can just duplicate that template item.

    It's obviously not a perfect solution, but it'd get you part of the way there.

    I hope this helps


  • posprg
    Community Member

    Your suggestion works In 1Password, but I do not see these options to password fields into 1Password for Teams.

    Thank you

  • @posprg : I'll file a bug report against the website then. The intention there is to have the editing be feature-paritied with the Mac app.


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