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Spouse and I are currently using Last Pass & would like to try 1Password. We need to be able to share 1 account across multiple Apple devices for shared household accounts. We have downloaded 1Password to all of our devices but cannot get any of them to sync with one another. When using Last Pass, we login under the same account on multiple devices to access the same vault. It is simple and easy. Is this possible with 1Password? We haven't purchased the Pro version, so maybe that could be the problem. We plan to upgrade to Pro if once we confirm that 1Password can meet our needs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @khest25: "Classic" 1Password only stores data locally, unless you choose to sync it using Dropbox or iCloud, for example. The data is not stored on AgileBits servers. There is no account, regardless of Pro Features.

    However, 1Password for Teams (currently in beta, and free for the duration) works similarly to what you describe: your data is encrypted on your device you login to, and then it is stored centrally on the server so you can access it from your Mac or iPhone, for example. And this is also designed with sharing vaults in mind.

    I hope this helps. Be sure to let me know any other questions you might have! :)

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