How can I have 1Password fill in my username, password, and TOTP (three fields) into a login form?


We have a single-sign on system at work. It requires me to fill in my username, password, and the current value of a one-time password.

I'm wondering if there's a way for ⌘-\ to fill in all three fields.

More generally, I'm wondering if 1Password has support for filling in more than two form fields. Seems like there's more than one-time passwords where this would be useful.

(And, yes, I get that using 1Password this way subverts the value of two-factor authentication. It's already subverted. Now I'm just trying to make it easier. :-)

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Fill in one-time password


  • Hey @alderete! That's a great question. At the moment, 1Password fills the username and password fields, as well as any custom static (the data doesn't change like a TOTP) fields on that page when you manually save a Login. We've had quite a few requests for filling TOTPs, though, and it would indeed be a very handy feature. I've added your vote to the feature in our internal tracking system. :)

    In the meantime, I'd recommend disabling auto-submit on the item if you're using it right now. That'll give you a chance to manually fill the TOTP field on the page. To disable auto-submit, launch 1Password, select the item, and click Edit. Then click the dropdown menu beside submit and select Never submit. Now when you visit the page, you can simply open the 1Password extension by clicking it or using the keyboard shortcut Shift \ and then click the TOTP value to copy it to your clipboard, then paste it in the field. Hope that helps. :)

    ref: OPX-758

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @alderete,

    I suspect @penderworth has customised his keyboard shortcuts, the default keyboard shortcut for opening 1Password mini without filling is ⌥⌘\. His suggestion is exactly what I do at the moment though, I'll fill and then open 1Password mini to copy the current TOTP value. If you're more a keyboard person then you will find that you can navigate the 1Password mini menu using the arrow keys and that if focus is on a password field then pressing the enter key is the same as clicking it, it copies the contents of the field to the clipboard to allow pasting.

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