Exercise in Futility: Getting App Developer Contact Info to Request 1Password App Extension Added

Community Member

Overall I'm satisfied with the technical performance of 1Password thus far; however, your suggestion to contact developers of other apps we own to request they integrate 1Password's App extension has proven to be much easier said than done so far (for me, anyway). Without exception, every app for which I was hoping to at minimum be able to submit a request to the developers, by first going into the Purchased Section of the App Store and clicking the App Support link, took me either to the App Owner's home page or to their general support page (which provides support for their core business, not of the app itself).
Please let me know if there is an alternate location that typically provides information relevant to this issue where I should be looking.
Thank you


  • Ben

    Hi @hbmiles2000

    I can certainly understand your frustration, as I've run into the same issue. Unfortunately not all app developers are good about making it clear how or who to contact for issues or feature requests with the app itself. I've found in most cases contacting their customer support team and explaining you have a feature request for their app, or leaving your feedback as part of an App Store review, will often get the information to the appropriate place.

    Banks are notoriously bad about this, unfortunately.


  • hbmiles2000
    Community Member

    Thank you Ben..I'll give that a try & you're spot on in your statement regarding banks... I'm sure they are aware that your average "non-developer", like myself, is more likely to just give up and get on with life, and spare them a bit of added time and effort in the process, if they incorporate a few hurdles for the technically ignorant folks like myself.
    Thanks again for the reply,
    Brin Miles

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    While I abhor 'App Store review feedback' in general (and not just for the reasons you might imagine ;) ), I feel like if you're not given any other way to contact them, that's kind of your only option. But I'll say that leaving a fair, respectful review which includes a feature request (rather than just a feature request) is more likely to be taken seriously, and possibly passed on to the development team. :)

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