Creating tags

Community Member

I'm having an issue when entering tags. When I'm finished typing the tag, I hit return. Doing so places the cursor in the title field instead of leaving it in the tags field to type the next tag. I'm usually not noticing this until after I've added text to the end of the overall title.

This is just another of those little oddities in terms of the way the app behaves. Another is how jumpy the app screen is. Hitting return often causes the screen to jump to a different position leaving the area you were working in out of view. Why does the app behave this way?


  • Winnie
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Macorin,

    thanks for your feedback on creating tags. The delimiter to create a new tag is comma. So if you type a comma instead of hitting Enter you will stay in the tag field and the screen will not jump around.

    What happens when you hit enter in a field is that we try to find the next field to edit and jump it to give you a continuous editing experience. This is why you see the screen jump to a different position as well.

    Hope that helps.

  • Macorin
    Community Member

    Hi Winnie,

    I get the continuous editing experience. Sometimes hitting return moves me to the next field and sometimes it doesn't. In any case, isn't there a better delimiter than a comma? I had been chatting with Ben about workflow, and this is yet another example of extra steps needed to achieve something. The comma isn't even on the same keyboard as the letters of the alphabet, so in order to do what you suggest, you have to tap between keyboards again and again just to get through entering your tags. It is neither efficient, nor intuitive (thus why I was hitting enter in the first place).

    Like many areas of this app where workflow is an issue, there has to be a better way.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Sometimes I wish there were a Tab key. :lol:

    I suspect that there is a better way. Be sure to let us know if you have any suggestions! :)

  • Macorin
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Hi Brenty,

    A few ideas that come to mind are:
    1) double tapping the space bar. I know this creates a period, but perhaps there is a way around that?
    2) creating a special keyboard that pops up during tag creation. Then you could add whatever buttons you like. A next button, a tag button...
    3) this isn't a direct solution, but is related to the topic. Existing tags should pop up as you start to type letters. Therefore, if you've previously created the tags, "finance" and "fun", both should pop up (in tappable outlined bubbles) when you type "f". If you type "fi" finance should remain. If you type "fu" fun should remain. If you type "fa" both should disappear. The advantages to this are pretty self explanatory: 1) you'd save time not having to type the entire tag. Once you see it, just tap the bubble to populate with the desired tag. 2) it would keep you from potentially misspelling the tag, thus the avoidance of creating new and unwanted ones. It's silly to have to type the entire tag every time if it's already been used. 3) tapping the bubble to populate the field could serve as the delimiter itself.

    I'd be happy to brainstorm more on this topic. I know there are better ways to do many things in the app from a workflow standpoint than currently exist.

  • Ben

    1) double tapping the space bar. I know this creates a period, but perhaps there is a way around that?

    I believe that is part of the keyboard, which leads into your second point.

    Creating our own keyboard could possibly be a solution but would require a fair amount of development effort to solve a complaint that doesn't come up that frequently. That isn't to say it would be off the table, but we'd need to take a close look at priorities.

    I like your idea with the tag bubbles. :) That is something I can ask our developers to look into.


  • Macorin
    Community Member


    I agree. I wouldn't want development efforts going towards something that doesn't come up that much. In that case, I think hitting return is the best solution. I know this is what jumps you to the next field in other instances, but perhaps tags could have a different rule?

    I have a question on the way tags sort within an entry. They don't seem to sort alphabetically, nor by the order in which they are entered. Can you clarify the way 1Password sorts these? For example, I have tags "work" and "tech". No matter how I enter them, it sorts work before tech, do there seems to be some other rule at play. I'm trying to figure out what that is.


  • Winnie
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2016

    Hi @Macorin,

    I love your input on tags - you are clearly very passionate about them which is awesome. I think your idea of making an exception for the tags in terms of enter makes sense. I will discuss it with our developers to see if it's feasible.

    Currently tags are not sorted in any way when you viewing an item. I added this to our todo list and hope it get's changed soon.

    ref: OPI-3382, OPI-3383

  • Macorin
    Community Member

    Thanks Winnie.

  • Winnie
    1Password Alumni

    @Macorin you are very welcome. I love tags too and you have great ideas. I can however not promise how fast we can make these changes.

  • Macorin
    Community Member

    I'd love to see tag names editable just like folders are. Therefore, changing the name of the tag, changes it in all related entries. Again, not an emergency, but I do like to change the names at times and find it torturous to have to do this manually entry by entry.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2016

    Ahh, that's a cool idea too. Definitely something we can consider! :)

    ref: OPI-3385

  • Macorin
    Community Member
    edited February 2016


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :pirate: :+1:

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