Team Vaults on Shared Computer??



First, Im loving 1password for teams BUT it has one major flaw that is making it useless for me. So i wanted to ask if there was a way to do this or if there is plans to implement this feature. If not please consider it as I would be forced to move to another password management system and i would love to stay with 1password.

I have a team with multiple team vaults and different permissions set for each member/employee. The problem is that all of these people share one company computer. But the 1password team desktop app only lets ONE person login to their team vault. If another employee comes along and wants to login to their vault, it will not let them as another already has a vault assigned to that computer. There is no option to switch to a different team member login vault like there is with personal vaults. This make it a requirement that every employee have there very own personal computer that nobody else will ever use.

It would be perfect if there was something like a dropdown menu of all the team members when you opened the desktop app, you select who you are/what vault you want, type in your team vault password and it gives you access only to your data and permissions.

Now i know the risk here is if somebody forgets to lock their vault before leaving the computer, but to some degree there will always be risk and this would make 1password teams a perfect solution for me.

If not i would unfortunately have to move to Zoho passwords or some other alternative and i would really hate to do that.
So please let me know if there is a way to achieve this or if there will be soon.

Thank you! and keep up the incredible work!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rob

    Hi, Steve (@GeoTrove), and welcome to our forum!

    I'm sorry 1Password for Teams isn't fitting into your workflow as you'd like it to. 1Password for Mac is indeed designed to be used by a single person. However, each user account in Mac OS X gets its own 1Password setup, so what we suggest for teams like yours who share a single machine is to create multiple OS X user accounts on that computer. With "Fast User Switching" in OS X, it's pretty easy to switch between user accounts and each user can then have their own 1Password setup, in addition to other nice things, like their own Dock, Desktop, browser settings, files, etc.

    Another option is to use the web client of 1Password for Teams. When your team members sign into, they can enter their own details and see their information quickly. For browser integration, though, like filling forms in other web pages, the native Mac app is the only way to go, so the OS X user accounts will help you there.

    We don't currently have any plans to implement user switching in 1Password for Mac, but I hope one of the two solutions above will work for you. Thanks for the kind words! :)

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