Group Permissions Are Not Honored


If I understand the user interface and documentation correctly, granting a given permission to a group (like Administrators or Owners) should allow all members of that group to have that permission. However, that does not seem to be working correctly on our account.

I have added a colleague to both the Administrators and Owners groups, which in turn have full permissions on all our vaults. All these vaults appear on the colleague's dashboard under "Your Vaults," but he receives an error when he tries to view one. He also does not have the ability to add himself as an individual member of the vault (he can open the interface to edit the members with access, but his own name doesn't appear in the list of available users).

The only workaround is for me to add him as an individual member of each vault, at which point he can open the vault, but that defeats the whole point of having groups in the first place. This seems to be a bug in the platform. Can you please help?

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Referrer: forum-search:Group permissions are not honored


  • ssoroka
    1Password Alumni

    Hey Scott,

    It's possible that this is the result of a bug we've recently seen where adding a user to multiple groups at the same time misses setting some of the permissions. If that's the case, you should be able to resolve it yourself by removing the user from all the groups, then adding them back one at a time. We're aware of the problem and we're currently working on resolving this issue. We should have it resolved shortly!

    If this doesn't resolve your issue, please send us a support email directly so we can further help troubleshoot the issue.

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