Does 1Password for Teams Work Offline?



I've checked a few pages but some details are very lacking.

Right now, I have 1Password (Windows) installed on 3 computers plus my Android mobile phone.

I got upset at DropBox so using Google Drive at the moment... - Different issue

I have my Vault saved to Google Drive, and that is primarly where I open it from, One computer uses a network share into my Google Drive storage, one computer 'hosts' the Google Drive on my LAN and runs the Drive client. My 3rd computer, is my 'take everywhere' computer, it also runs the Google Drive client when it is online, it syncs and everything is happy. When it is offline, the files are still saved on the hard drive, and really, 1Password doesn't know or care.

My Android device same thing, uses a FolderSync application to sync every 12 hours to the Drive folder with my Vault to local storage.

Now.. Hopefully that was clear enough to be followed...

My 'take everywhere' laptop needs to have access to my Vault all the time, does 1Password for Teams sync a local copy? Or online access only?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • ssoroka
    1Password Alumni

    hey @kevinds,

    1Password for Teams manages keeping all your devices up to date for you. All devices have a copy of your encrypted data, and as long as you have internet access, that copy is up to date. If you don't have internet access for any reason, your data is still available for you to use with the latest changes from when you were last online. So internet access is not required to use your data, but it will be required periodically to keep your data up to date with the rest of your devices.

    Let me know if you have any more questions.


  • kevinds
    Community Member


    Does it automatically sync once the device goes back online? Or only once opening the vault and being online?

  • ronharris
    Community Member

    @ssoroka - I was told by @SergeyTheAgile that the Windows 10 app does not currently support a local database in the 1PW for Teams. @kevinds may not be on Windows 10 right now.

    I do have a question that I hope you can address about the sync process. In previous versions we needed to setup and manage an external cloud-based location to store the database for each person using 1PW. I assume that 1PW for Teams removes that requirement. Could you confirm that 1PW for Teams stores each user's database in the 1PW for Teams cloud?

  • @kevinds The sync only happens when 1Password is running and unlocked. Unlock is needed for encryption and authentication with the server.

  • @ronharris It seems that @SergeyTheAgile and the team figured out how to solve the issues with the local storage. They are hard at work at making offline access available on Windows 10.

    Yes, with 1Password for Teams, the server is where all data is stored, including team members' vaults. In fact, we try to avoid the word "sync" for client apps and use "offline cache" instead. The server is (intentionally) very dumb and knows little about the data it stores. All encryption and conflict handling is performed by the client apps.

  • ronharris
    Community Member

    @roustem - Awesome. I could see issues cropping up if my users needed to setup and manage a dropbox or other cloud-based database location. Your marketing team should consider playing this up more in marketing materials. For those of us who know how 1PW worked before the Teams edition this is a significant benefit (it helps justify the monthly cost).

  • Thank you, @ronharris!

    I agree, 1Password for Teams makes life so much easier and we have do a better job explaining the benefits :)

  • kevinds
    Community Member

    Alright, I wasn't sure if 1Password for Teams constantly checked for a new encrypted vault, and then downloaded it on it's own.

    Ready to be decrypted by the local client when needed.

    Sounds good, think my current system will work better for my needs for now then :)

    Less things to remember to do :)

  • @kevinds I'm with you there! Glad the folks in this thread helped answer your question. If you have any others, we're happy to help. :)

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