Standard Version vs TEAM comparison


Is there a brief overview between the team and the standard version.

We are a small team of 4 people and want to decide whether it is worth the extra cost to run team version vs the the standard on.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rob

    Hi, @vipconsult.

    Good question! There are quite a few differences.

    1. 1Password for Teams turns standard licensing on its head. Instead of paying for each user and each platform, you now pay for just the user, and the user can use as many apps as they want on whatever platforms they need. This could actually end up costing you less than the standard licenses if your team uses a variety of device platforms.
    2. 1Password for Teams introduces an Admin Console that simply doesn't exist in the standalone 1Password apps. You can use the Admin Console to easily grant or revoke access to vaults, create new vaults that automatically show up on the devices of everyone who is added, suspend team member accounts, and so much more.
    3. Besides simplifying vault management, my favorite feature of 1Password for Teams is Recovery. If you add all four team members to the Recovery group, then if someone forgets their Master Password or loses their Account Key, anyone else on your team can help that person recover access to their account, without being able to give themselves access to that account.
    4. Team account vaults get updates from the server much much faster than with Dropbox sync.
    5. Items are backed up automatically and you can restore any previous version of an item.
    6. You can access your account from anywhere with an Internet connection as long as you have your sign-in details handy.

    There are many more things, but those are my favorites. You may also be interested in our 1Password for Teams FAQ. Please let me know if I can help with anything else. :)

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