Make search the prominent feature

Community Member

So just got 6.1b and its nice that search is persistent in the top. However I can not really shake the feeling that search should be more important than add new.

If I'm adding items I'm on my Mac or PC. I rarely add on Android and would rather have quick thumb access to search than add new. So please make the blue, floating button the search button?

Am I the only one feeling this?


  • Hello @kosmiq,

    Thank you for continuing this discussion! As you said, we've made search a lot better in 6.1 beta 1, and it's awesome that you want us to take it even further :)

    Personally I like the big blue floating button to be the Add button as adding items is a core feature of 1Password, but I can totally see where you're coming from. Since I tend to search a lot more than I add items, it seems logical that the buttons should be reversed. I'm not sold on this, however, and will defer to our designers to make the judgement call.

    What is mostly driving me crazy about search at the moment is the use of the separate popup window for search results. In theory there are some benefits there, but I find it to be jarring. The team is trying another approach now and we'll see how it turns out. The other issue that gets me is we currently only search within titles, and thankfully the team is making progress here as well.

    Once my two biggest pet peeves are fixed, I might discover that locating the search button is the biggest issue, and perhaps at that time I'll agree with you 100% about the big blue button :)

    Take care,


  • EnerJi
    Community Member



    Since you're evaluating search improvements, would you consider having the app open right into search mode? I envision something similar to how the Android Launcher opens up if you hold down the Android Launcher icon (try it if you haven't discovered this shortcut - it's fabulous for less-frequently used apps). For those not familiar with the Android launcher case, holding the launcher icon opens the launcher with the search field in focus, the keyboard popped up, and the top of the list of Android apps viewable and scrollable, with the most frequently used apps in a row on the top.

    Similarly, 1Password could open into the favorites screen (which, by the way, I'm sure some people like but for which I find absolutely no use), with the search bar focused, the keyboard popped up, and favorites still viewable and able to be opened and scrolled. The only downside is someone with a long list of favorites may have some favorites slightly obscured by the keyboard, much as in the case with the Android launcher.

    Still, there is (almost) no functionality lost, and the user is able to search even faster and more easily than before. If there are some passionate users of Favorites that would rail against this change, perhaps it could be a configurable setting?

    Loving the momentum the Android team seems to be building up - keep it up!

  • Hello @EnerJi,

    Thank you for the Android Launcher shortcut! I had no idea. I like this and can see myself using it a lot as my list of apps continues to grow. So far I am still resisting installing any games on my Nexus as we still have a lot of work to do :)

    As for opening up directly in search mode, I go back and forth on this one to be honest. It's basically the same argument as @kosmiq has for wanting to replace the big blue create button with search: since it's one of the most used features, the design should accommodate it as much as possible. It's a strong argument.

    My biggest reason against it is I find the keyboard sliding in rather jarring and since I do use favourites, my list of viewable favourites gets cut in half.

    I'm personally against it myself, but if you can convince @MattDavey and @danvpeterson, they have a way of twisting my arm that has been rather effective for them over the years, so combined you might be able to sway me :)

    Loving the momentum the Android team seems to be building up - keep it up!

    Awesome! I'm glad you noticed :) It was damn hard getting 6.0 out the door as there was a ton of behind-the-scenes work that needed to be done. Thankfully the team is now able to build on the infrastructure they laid and when combined with smaller more focused releases, things will be a lot more visible to everyone.

    Take care,


  • MattAttack
    Community Member

    I will also agree about some changes to the floating button. I would love for it to be a configurable option with the settings. I can see merit to it being an add or a search and then based on the option the user selects, the search can be a + icon in the header bar, or vice versa. I love configuration options.

    Also, want to say that the pace of releases has changed dramatically. Thanks for that. I recommend 1Password to all I know. Best app & people out there.

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @dteare thx for fixing the attachments sync bug in the new beta 2 this was one of the most annoying bugs for me.

  • rainman
    Community Member

    @dteare I think I have an idea that will meet your design requirements and the user's needs. It would be nice to have the FAB expand (like Inbox) when pressed provide additional options (search or add new items). That way, both actions are easy to perform without having to reach the top of the screen.

    Separately, the search improvements are great! I hope additional fields (usernames and secure notes text) will be added to the search index in the future.

  • Thank you so much for the kind words and for recommending 1Password, @MattAttack! We live and breath by word-of-mouth so I'm very grateful that you take to time to tell your friends and families about 1Password.

    As for a separate preference for the Search vs. Add button, I'm not a big fan of that myself. Each little preference sounds simple enough and by itself they are easy to add, but they quickly become a pain to maintain over the long haul.

    @ntimo: Oh I am so very happy to hear that! I was quietly hoping that the new beta would help a lot of people with that fix to syncing, but I was curbing my enthusiasm as sync issues are always a pain to pin down. It's awesome it worked for you!

  • @rainman: That's an interesting idea you have there. I can see that working pretty well and it passes the most important test of all, which is namely I can see myself using it! ;)

    I think @MattDavey and @mverde will like that idea as well. BTW, for others that needed to look up FAB like I did, it stands for Fast Action Button. I thought it was "Floating something something", but turns out that's not the case. Live and learn :)

    And thank you for the kind words about the search improvements! I'm really happy as well and even wrote the Android team a silly little poem this morning:

    Yesterday was a sad, searchless day. The people were sad.

    During the evening something Wonderful happened. Somehow, someone or something magically updated 1Password.

    When the children awoke they found popup-less search and were able to find their items, even by URL!

    Their parents could scarcely believe it, and the people rejoiced!

    From this day forth, the world will always believe. Appaclause is real!

    It doesn't rhyme, nor does it follow any particular cadence, but I still called it a poem ;)

    As for including more data within the search results, that will take more time as we're doing something special here. Internally we separate item data in an "overview" portion and a separate "details" section. Each are encrypted separately. The overview is what we are currently searching, and it includes the item title, URL, and something we call "additional info". These are the only things that can (currently) be searched as we only decrypt the overview. This is for security and performance reasons.

    Interestingly enough, the "additional info" stored within the overview often contains the username, so in theory those items should be appearing in your search results. Either I mixed things up or our wires got crossed during our last development call as I swore this was going to be in this beta. It's not working for me, however, so I'm going to have to sync up with the team to understand why.

    As cool as "additional info" is, at some point in the future I would like to see the addition of a "Search Everywhere" button that will take the time needed to decrypt everything and then search the entire item. This takes a fair amount of processing power and memory, however, so it's something we don't want to do under normal circumstances.

    This one is quite a lot of additional work, so I suspect we'll be parking it for now and looping back to it in the future. I love the other search improvements too much to delay the release much longer.


  • rainman
    Community Member

    @dteare Nice "poem" :+1:

    Makes total sense! Thank you very much for the response and explanation. Ironically, I too thought FAB stood for Floating Action Button. I definitely was not requesting delaying any stable releases for the expanded search field request; just sometime in the future ;)

  • Hah! That's hilarious! You should have stood your ground, however, as I seem to have mistyped. I originally thought it was "Fast Action Button" or something like that, and when I Googled I found this:

    When I came back to type it I totally flipped those names when I was composing my response. Woopsie! Sorry for the confusion :)

  • @rainman: I just heard back from Gene about search not including the Additional Information field. It turns out it was a bug and it should be fixed in the next beta. Please give beta 3 a run for its money when it comes out and let us know how it goes.

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @dteare that sounds very like there will be something like a advanced serach option in the feature. Iam looking forward for the fix so we can search by username :dizzy: Oh and please add my +1 for this inbox like fab button, because this would make the fab a "real" fab.

  • Sure thing @ntimo, I'll add your vote on this FABled FABulous FAB button that we'll FABricate out of fine FABrics :)

    Too much? :P

  • ntimo
    Community Member
    edited February 2016

    @dteare I really hat to laugh when I read this :) I don't thing its too much. Please include this in some kind of blog post about the new fab if you write one :dizzy:

  • :)

  • danvpeterson
    edited February 2016

    Totally thought I had already replied to this, must've gotten distracted and forgot to hit the Post button. For what it's worth @dteare I have wanted a "launch to search" mode for 1Password for quite a while (and we've actually had a conversation about it a long while back that you're probably forgetting :P). It's horrible for a new user as it hides navigation and makes things more confusing for someone unfamiliar with the UI but for a long-time user with lots of items it would be a fantastic time-saver. 99% of the time that I launch 1Password the first thing I do is search. What I brought up in that long ago conversation is that maybe we could present it as an option after a certain length of time of using the app, if a person keeps just opening and launching search (would need some type of locally stored statistics on what the first thing a user taps on is) we could present them a setting to launch to search by default from now on (maybe presented within the list pane between the search field and keyboard when they select it for the nth time in a row).

    Hope that all makes sense!

  • Re: the idea of showing Favorites when auto-launching to search, I like that idea but would like it even more if it was automated instead of manually created Favorites, but that's really a subject for a different discussion. You know I've long wanted automated favorites showing items in order of most used (would need statistics for the most often copied from/edited/url clicked items somehow).

  • ntimo
    Community Member

    @danvpeterson I think a launch to search mode would not be quite that necessary but maybe using to fab to search. I like your idea of auto suggestions when you open the search. I think the auto favorites than should have a new category because I would like to keep my manually set fav's so they don't get mixxed up and I end up having 100 fav's because I use these 100 logins or other items often does not mean they are my fav's ;)

  • Now that you mention it Dan, I do recall that conversation. I personally don't like it when apps try to be too smart and anticipate what I want as they often get it wrong, but I do like the idea of an advanced setting that we'd show a popup message about if we think it's applicable to a user.

    I still like the FABled FABulous FAB button that we'll FABricate out of fine FABrics idea tho :)

  • Matust
    Community Member

    I would like to add a vote swap the plus button to be search. How about if it defaults to search and if you long press it it pops up other options search-add-???

  • Thanks for the vote, @Matust! I'll forward your suggestion to the developers. :)

This discussion has been closed.