I may have accidentally switched my team account to a family account. In reality I need both.


I'm not sure if I just converted my team members to "family members". I used 1Password for years for myself, then jumped on the teams option a few weeks ago since I needed it - I have a small team and we're using it to safely share client passwords.

I just tried to sign up for the families version, and after clicking on the link from the announcement email, I signed in to my current account (website version) and under the settings tab I clicked the "convert to family account" button. That was probably stupid of me, but I just want to double check - did I just convert my team members to family members? Do I need to undo this? Can I manage both team and family passwords from the same account?


1Password Version: 6.0.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OX X 10.11.3
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:teams-families-migrate


  • Jacob
    edited March 2016

    Hey @BigWilliam! First off, I'm glad you're liking Teams so far and Families is something you want to use as well. That's awesome. I'm sorry for the confusion on the switch though. It does sound like you may have converted it by accident. That's okay, though. We can flip the switch back on our end to correct things. Could you send us an email at support@1password.com from the email address you used to sign up for the account? We'd be happy to help get things sorted out. :)

    ref: b5-1205

  • BigWilliam
    Community Member

    Okay will do. Thanks!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • frendrix
    Community Member

    Hi, I did exactly the same thing. Already sent a mail to support to change it back.
    Btw, is there a way to have both, a family account and a team account?

  • Ben

    Hi Frank,

    Thanks for the email! I'm sure the appropriate folks will be on it shortly.

    You can absolutely have both a family account and a team account. They are created totally independently of each other. Both can be added to any of the client apps that support Teams.



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